Chapter 22 - 🔞 A barking good time 🍋

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- Next Day -

After having been watched like a hawk the entire day yesterday. By Jasper and Jacob, Then with Caius watching me while we had our date.. To see if id 'let the cat out of the bag' as Emmett so lovingly put it.. Jasper felt that I should go stretch my legs some around the castle, and I humbly agreed. Having wanted to go see the Elk that Demetri bought before the Cullen's take the herd with them to their new property.. We will however be buying a smaller herd for when Vegetarians visit. Last time I saw an Elk- er.. something elk-ish was during a trip to Santa's village in New Hampshire when I was 13.. They had actual Reindeer you could pet... never got all the Alphabet elves, im still pissed off at that.

Walking through the castle with Demetri leading the way. "I am unsure if you will be able to touch them Mia Regina, they are very skittish around vampires." Demetri leads me to a stable that used to be used long ago. Having been cleaned out recently for the Elk to inhabit, the stable being connected to a large field behind the castle.

I spot an elk with a massive rack eating some hay from its feeder, it spots Demetri and steps away. Going to run back out to the paddock, I frown at it wishing it wasn't so scared.. that it was.. Calm.

Like a 180° the elk calms down visibly, going back to grazing. Keeping it's eyes on me as it eats, although not scared it's weary. My eyes widen at this. Holy shit, is this Jaspers gift?.. but I didn't sense emotions? Maybe I have to toggle it on? Like in a video game?

Walking closer to the elk, it looks at me and I keep wanting it to be calm. I reach out and pet it's snout, it sniffs me and licks my hand making me giggle. Holy fuck, Jaspers gift is awesome for petting animals.. I'm so going to abuse this to pet wildlife.

Demetri stands there dumbfounded, having had to physically restrain the elk beforehand to drain them of some of their blood... They now have a permanent line to draw blood when the elk are refreshed. Felix stands by the door chuckling into his hand.

"How.." Demetri asks as he watches me pet the elk, squinting in confusion.

"Guess I got Jaspers gift." I say with an indifferent shrug.

"Would you like to add mine to your arsenal?" Demetri asks with a raised brow, I turn to him and nod. Wanting his queen to have as big as an arsenal of gifts to use. If the guard should never be able to protect her.. better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

He steps forward and offers me his hand, I grab hold of it and something inside me clicks... "Holy shit it's like.. like.." Demetri raises a brow as I look around the room. "It's literally a compass in my head... Or.. or a minimap with dots that show people.. I can see all my mates.. Even the Cullens." I say as I look upwards into the castle, seeing their aura's.

"That's.. incredible. Almost as if you have enhanced my gift." Demetri says with a smirk.

"This is so fucking cool." I say with a gleeful smile. "Maybe Jane and Alec can give me theirs?" I ask with a tilt of my head they nod and guide me to where they are stationed


Spotting them both Felix jogs up and tells them the plan. Alec and Jane look up with eager eyes. "Hi guys.. May I copy your gifts?"

"It would be an honor my queen." Jane says with a rare smile, offering me her hand. Taking it in my own I nod and take Alec's hand as well.

"May I.. try them out?" I turn to Demetri and Felix who nod with grimaces. Knowing that they're going to be my guinea pigs.

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