Chapter 35 - In the end. (End)

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Aro bursts into the room, ordering around his guards in Italian. I open my eyes sleepily, sitting up from Jakes chest. He sits up with alertness, pulling me close so he's practically above me, holding me so his body is shielding me.

"What's... What's going on?" I say sleepily, rubbing the gunk from my eyes.

"Jacob get her to the jet now. No time to explain." Aro says as he looks at me longingly before zooming out of the room.

"What? Fee what's going on?" I look to Felix who is packing up a bag for me, he grimaces before turning on the tv to a news station. Quickly returning to packing me a bag, I turn to the screen and watch.

- News Broadcast - Live -

"Hi Adam, I'm here in Times Square where-" A man with white hair jumps onto the reporter biting into her neck making her scream in pain as he rips out her throat on live television, his skin sparkling in the sun. Blood covering his face and chin.

"What the fuck!" The camera man tries to run holding the camera but the other vampire with him grabs him with a growl. Biting and draining him in the now fallen cameras view.

The white haired vampire grabs the camera and hands it to his brother who's finished his meal. Grabbing the mic off the ground he dusts it off before looking into the lens.

"Hello, people of the world." The man's heavy accent shines through, people around him flee from the scene as the body of the reporter is seen in the background. "My name is Vladimir and I'm a Vampire. Yes we do exist, as you can see from-" he rips the head off the reporter and holds it up with a smile. "This woman right here. This isn't fake or a hoax. Our species 'government' has been hiding our existence for well over a millennia.. but no more. Our current leaders are located within Volterra Italy, they are called the Volturi-" A police officer shoots the man in the back of the head making him scowl.

Zooming over to him he rips his head off, blood splattering all over his face and clothes. He zooms back with a grin. "We are everywhere, and none of your modern weapons can kill us.." He smirks as he winks at the lense. "Hello Aro, I can't wait till they bomb your castle.. Back to you Adam!" He says with a chipper smile.

The screen turns to a man who looks distraught with tears in his eyes. He straightens up and looks at the camera. "l-ladies and gentleman.. what you have just seen was.. real.. my god vampires are real.." he holds a hand over his mouth in horror, the camera cuts out abruptly just as he vomits.

- Alexis POV -

"Oh fuck.." Oh shit. Oh fuck nuggets. It's time for operation flasher. I stand from the bed and ignore Jacob and Felix who try to bring me to the jet. Jacob going as far as to lift me up, I easily loosen his grip with my gift.

"BOYS IM NOT LEAVING. I'M A GODDAMN QUEEN, SHUT UP." I snarl at them and zoom off to the throne room, not seeing the kings I zoom to their office and see them talking animatedly with each other and Jasper.

"Aro there is no hiding this! It was live! We have been exposed and they know where we are!" Caius says with a growl, he stops when he notices me.

"Boys boys you're all pretty." I say as I walk into the room wearing my pajamas. Aro looks distraught when he sees that I haven't left. "Here's what's gonna happen.."

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