Chapter 33 - 🔞 So Close~ 🍋

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- Later That Day - Third Person POV -

Whilst their mate is in her room, sorting through Aro's gifts.. All of her mates stand inside the kings office. Circled around the main desk where Aro sits.

"She is not leaving this castle again." Caius says with a fierce protective snarl, smacking his hands down onto the desk. Nearly cracking it in half.

"She needs to have her freedom Caius, she may be an introvert but there's only so long she can stay inside." Jasper says, crossing his arms while shaking his head.

"If you want to keep her inside and safe.. Than we will need a way to keep her busy until we find these bastards." Jacob speaks out, leaning against another desk with his arms crossed.

"How would we do this?" Marcus asks tilting his head, having not really gotten time to spend with their mate.

"Keep one of us with her at all times.. We keep her busy, redirect her when she begins to think of going outside." Aro says with a glimmer in his eye.

"That could work..." Jasper says nodding his head, stroking his chin. Thinking of how his mate acts.. and how.. well erratic her train of thought is.. "Her ADHD makes it so she's very susceptible to persuasion.. Simply mention something and her brain will leave its current train of thought to follow the new one.." Jasper shrugs his shoulders.

"Alright, then it's settled." Aro stands up from his seat. "One of us shall be with her at all times.. In the meantime, Jasper, Jacob I want you two to begin training. You both spend the most time with her, so you should strengthen yourselves." Jasper and Jacob nods their heads in agreement.

"Hopefully Demetri will bring us good news.." Marcus says. "I shall spend the rest of the day with her since I haven't had a chance too. Come visit once you two are free from work." Aro and Caius nod as Marcus leaves the room to go spend time with his mate.

- Alexis POV -

Kneeling down onto the floor, listening to music as I rocking back and fourth as a stim. Looking at the instructions I lean down and grab the correct packet. Ripping it open I assemble the pieces, moving onto the next. My brain floating away into a story within my mind as my hands are busied with work.

Aro bought me a Lego set of the fucking death star. So I'm sitting here putting it together so I can put it on my shelves that got delivered while I was away. All of my games perched on each respective consoles shelves.. it's a beautiful sight.

Alec is sitting on a chair that I gave him by the door, watching me with confusion. "Why.. why do you find that fun?" He gestures to my Legos, I snap out of my mind story and turn to him.

I gasp out on blasphemy and look to him. "Have you never played with Lego??"

"No." He shakes his head.

"This.. this needs to be rectified.. this simply cannot do.. how could such a travesty come to place?? Get over here, you're helping me build this." I point next to me Alec sighs and zooms over, kneeling down on the floor. Anything for his queen.

"What do I do..?" He holds his hands up, unsure where to start and how to 'play' with this toy.

"Follow the instructions and just.. zone out. It's calming I find." I smile at him handing him the instructions, pointing to where I'm at.

Alec opens a bag and begins to assemble.. and assemble.. until he has a small smile on his face. "This.. this is enjoyable."

"There's endless possibilities with Lego bricks. All you need is your imagination... I'll have you know, I once build a guillotine with them as a child.. I made it so I could behead one of my toys that tried to arrange an coup of my Littlest pet shop empire." I say with an indifferent shrug. Remembering the memory fondly.. oh the many gruesome battles that were fought on my little sliding table..

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