Chapter 15 - Bimbo's

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- Next Day - Afternoon -

Walking down the streets in some clothes Alice bought me with some cute shoes. Jacob by my side holding my hand as we look at various shops. I sigh softly as we enjoy our day.

"What's with the sigh Lex?" Jacob asks as he looks down to me.

"I miss video games.." I sigh again with a wistful expression, Jacob snorts a laugh. "What?" I look up at him with furrowed brows.

"Out of all the things, you miss video games?" He smirks at me.

"Jacob, I'm from 2023. Video games now pale in comparison to mine... Fuck man I wanna play Skyrim in VR." I kick a stone on the street with a frown. "The next elder scrolls game was in development when I was sent here.. not to mention iPhones and the Internet.. oh high speed internet, how I miss you my beloved.." I hold a hand to my heart, my lip quivers. Jacob shakes his head at my shenanigans and walks to a crepe cart, buying us some to enjoy as we continue to window shop.

"The castle NEEDS wifi and I need a television. Fuck man, I'll have to make a list.. there's no real point in me buying any new clothes Jake, I'll outgrow them by tomorrow anyways. Plus Alice got me enough to last until I get an adult body." I huff out a sigh, biting into my crepe.

"Why don't you buy stuff for me then? I'll be your personal Ken doll." He smiles down to me.

"Jacob.. them's are fighting words." Oh he's gonna regret that. "TO VICTORIA SECRET!" Jacobs eyes wide in alarm as I pull him towards the store.

I walk inside with my hands on my hips, a sales lady looks at the both of us in confusion. "Oh, I'm getting something for my.. wife." Jacob shoved his hands into his pockets as I b-line to the lingerie and sexy underwear.

Walking around to Jacob I pull the back of his pants back making him jolt. I look at the label and nod, going back to the underwear. Grabbing a couple pairs I hand them to him with a smirk. "Try em on bub. If you rip em well just buy the scraps." I shrug with a smirk, he looks at me horrified but complies.

We thankfully get a closed fitting room, where it's only me and him. "Lex..? I don't think I can show you this.. its.. uhm.. see through.." Jacob looks at himself in the mirror, blushing a bright red.

"Does it fit?" I ask from behind the curtain, smirking.

"I uhm.. yes..?" I nod sagely and grab several other pairs, tossing them in a bag. Getting the largest sizes they have of full sets as well. Future me is gonna be so fucking happy. Men in lacy lingerie is *chef kiss*

Jacob comes back out fully clothed, blushing a bright red. Putting the lingerie he tried on in the bag to buy.  "To checkout." I say with a smile.


Buying myself the best laptop for this time period and more sexy tight clothes for Jake.. even some for Jasper. I sit in the car Aro gave us with the laptop, a smirk on my face as I order a dog ears headband in the color of Jake's wolf and a dog collar.. I even spend a lot on sexy websites for different toys for use in future. Your welcome future me. I tell my future self as I keep buying shit.  But I do what Aro asked and buy some furniture and junk.

Jacob pulls into the underground garage and parks, getting out he grabs the bags and blushes at the blatant Victoria secret logo. Holding my bags in his hand he opens the door for me with a smile. "Let me carry some junk." I flick my finger and all the bags lift off his arms and float behind us.

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