Chapter 23 - 🔞Mate Date🍋

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- One Month Later -

Slashing my claws at Jacob he dodges with practiced ease I growl mentally. Hissing at him my ears pinned back, he simply laughs at me, his tail wagging behind him as he splashes around.

It's not funny! I hiss at him once more.

It totally is! You look like a wet rat! Jake cackles at my misfortune, I shake my body trying to get all the water out of my fur.

Aro decided that instead of a date with just himself, he wanted us all to have a 'mate date'. Aro got everything together through the month and flew us to an private island the Volturi owns for us to stay for a week.

Jasper, Aro, Caius and Marcus sit under the shade of a nearby tree watching with smiles as I walk up the beach towards them with a feline scowl. Jasper chuckles at me as Marcus grabs a towel with a smile on his face. Caius simply shakes his head with a smirk.

I hiss at Jasper for laughing as Marcus wraps the towel around me, making sure I'm covered before letting me change back into a human. "It's not funny!" I frown out, pushing the wet hair out of my face. "He cheated! How was I supposed to know my body would do that!" Jacob and me decided to wrestle as our shifted forms near the water.. he bit the back of my neck playfully and my body went limp. A response for a kitten to it's mother when they pick it up.  He did pick me up.. and threw me into the fucking ocean.   Water sucks as a cat.

My body has aged quickly in only a month.. I'm now guestimated 16/17 biologically.. I still have no clue why I'm aging so fast, my mates are scared but I told them its fine. I'll stop aging when I hit 18.

"The ocean is a disgusting cesspool Jacob!" I turn back at the wet wolf as he walks up the beach naked. "It's filled with millions of gallons of whale cum and fish shit!" I scowl deeper as my brain goes into overdrive. The amount of germs alone-

Jasper stands up sensing my rising panic and wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly to his chest to ground me. "Shhh baby girl, it's fine. You didn't drink any of it so it's only on your skin, let's just go take a shower hm? Get you cleaned off?" I nod to him and he scoops me up, making sure I'm covered with the towel.

"We'll join you in the house in a little while. I'll prepare a movie." Aro says with a smile, I nod to him with a meek smile as Jasper zooms off.

- 🔞 -

Arriving in the bathroom he sets me down on the seat in the shower and quickly gets the water ready and up to temp. I scratch at my skin and sigh in relief as the hot water hits me, killing and washing away the bacteria. For being a perfect vampire, is sure sucks having a human like brain.. Jasper goes to leave and I stop him, he looks back with wide eyes. Noo! Stay!

"You're covered in it too.." I look at his soaked through shirt.

"I'll take a shower after-"

"No, take one with me." I pout at him and he sighs softly with a smirk. "It's more ethical.. to save water.." Blushing slightly. Fuck I wanna see him naked so bad.

"I can sense your growing lust baby girl." Jasper takes off his shirt and tosses it in the hamper. Moving onto his pants I blush, causing him to smirk. "What have you got planned hm?" He raises a brow as drops his pants, kicking them towards the hamper, he stands there naked. There is a god, he's standing before me with a magnificent cock and southern drawl..

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