Chapter 24 - My father will hear about this! 🐍

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- Two Weeks Later -

Sitting in the middle of the room, various sewing and craft supplies littered around me. Some even hovering in he air, occasionally floating to my hands. I quickly stitch up two pieces of fabric together with my hands. Going faster than a sewing machine. Holding it up in the air I humm to myself. Standing up I quickly put on the skirt and look at myself on the mirror. Swishing it around and looking at it with different angles. "That should do it.." I nod with a smile, taking it off and putting it away.

There all the cloth portions for my costume is done! I just need to wait for the artisan I hired to finish the headdress and bra and I'm done!

Aro has set the date that I'm to become Queen. I insisted the date.. Halloween because I'm an extra bitch. My ball is going to be a costume ball. I'm making my own costume right now.. and since I have the body for it now.. I'm going as Akasha from the Queen of the damned. I'm not letting any of my mates see the costume, I want their jaws to drop.  Demetri is only delivering me the box with the pieces I need. Snickering to myself at what there reactions will be like as I put away all my supplies.

Jacob bursts into the room with a worried look on his face. Sighing loudly, shaking my head side to side. "What did I say?" I raise a brow as I box up all the needles and thread.

"Only to disrupt you if it's an emergency. It is. The leech still hasn't left, the pack can't catch it.. We need the Volturi, it's starting to kill people in Forks." I turn to him with a raised brow. I sighs softly and lift myself up with my gift so I can stand.

"Let's go to Aro then. I want to get this fucker myself." I say with a scowl as I walk out the door slightly faster than a normal human but Jacob can keep up.

"It's too dangerous-" Jacob says as he jogs along slide me.

"Ah bub bub!" I hold a hand up shushing his nonsense. He sighs as we reach the throne room, this time I open the doors gently. This mother fucker has inconvenienced me, he's dead. I'm gonna be a queen now bitch, nobody fucks with my town.

Looking around confused as I don't see the kings. "They are in their office Mia Regina." The guard at the door says and I nod to him with a smile. Quickly turning to walk towards their offices. Could have sworn they had court.. oh well.


Opening the door to their and letting myself in, Jacob following behind all of their eyes look up to me from their paperwork. "I'm going to Forks to hunt down a vamp." I say plainly, with my arms crossed.

"Why whatever for? We can send some of the guard." Aro says with a perplexed look.

"This fucker has been hunting in my terf. He's a dead vamp walking." I growl out, my lip quivering into a snarl. "I don't want Charlie Swan to get hurt or have more work forced on him, he is a precious cinnamon roll who needs to be protected at all costs." I'll rip someone apart limb from limb if they hurt that sweet man.

"Ah yes, I remember. You viewed him as a father figure in your previous world.. He was a 'comfort character' I believe you called it? Same with the Major." Damn him and his observations.. I never had a dad, here or my original world.. When I read fanfiction and watched the movies.. something just resonated.. I loved Charlie Swan as a character, Bella doesn't deserve a dad like him.. ungrateful bitch.

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