Chapter 4 - MOOSE CLOAK!

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- Next Day -

Groggily I open my eyes, slowly blinking as I reach out for my bottle of water I keep next to my bedroll. My hand fumbling until it suddenly hits my hand with force startling me out of my grogginess.

Eyes awake and alert I sit up still in my sleeping bag and look at the bottle. "Didn't I.. I forgot this at the table last night..." My eyes look down at the bottle and I hum, squinting at the object.

"Hm...." Holding my hand out, I think of grabbing my other bottle-

It's flung across the room right into my hand making my eyes widen. "HOLY SHIT, I CAN USE THE FORCE!" This has been my all-time lazyness dream. Holy fuck, okay I need to start training right away. I want to be able to force push a boulder MILES.

"Okay, addition to plan. Make a deer skin Jedi outfit." I nod once agreeing with myself. "Time for breakfast." I get out of my sleeping bag and grab some jerky and water.

- Forest -

Running through the forest, falling leaves occasionally smacking me in the face. Making me sputter out in disgust, I leap over a fallen log and keep my ears peeled. Okay Samuel Winchester, where are you?

I've been running through woods for a solid guestimated hour now. Fuck I need a watch. I grumble mentally until I hear the sound of water being sloshed around. Stopping I raise a brow and turn to run towards the sound.

I find a swampy marshland and spot a moose on the other side of the yuckiness. "Hehehe.." I cackle like a gremlin as I hold my hand out. Mentally grabbing the antler and pulling it towards me.

The moose startles and let's out a weird sound as it tugs against the invisible force. I scowl as I keep trying to pull it before giving up. "Fine, you won't come alive I'll just drag your paralyzed body!" I mentally envision myself tearing it's spinal cord just above the shoulders apart, a second later the moose drops limp. Unable to move it's legs, paralyzed from the head down. It bellows out in distress as I just stare at it.

"Holy fuck nuggets. Never thought I would be a sith....Come to the dark side they said.." I mentally grab the mooses head and pull, it's easy to move now that it's limp. "It would be fun they said... Dew it they said.. we have cookies they said.."


Finally I get the mooses body and sigh loudly. "Sorry fella, nothing will be wasted except your guts.." I lean down and bite down on his neck, drinking it's blood and draining it dry until I feel it's heart stop. Wiping my mouth clean with a scrap piece of cloth, I stand back up. "Thank fuck I brought the blood bag." Grabbing my nasty backpack I have been using to hold meat when I hunt, I plop it on the ground as I grab my knife. "And so hell begins." I whimper out as my shoulders slouch. At least my zoomie speed will make this easier.

- Two Hours Later -


After two-ish hours of slicing meat and gathering moose pee in a bottle. I finally have all the stuff I need, plus a decent pile of innards for the local wildlife. Though I do need to hold the mooses decapitated and skinned head over my shoulders to bring it back. Using it's antlers over my shoulders to hold it as I run. I'm gonna make it into a trophy mount! My first moose

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