Chapter 27 - 🔞 It's Time~ 🍋

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- Throne Room - Next Day -

Like Mariah Carrey coming out of hibernation, busting free from the ice... It's time. The day is upon us, my body has reached maturity... Jake's not gonna know what hit him. I smirk at my inner plans as I sit on my own throne Aro had custom made. Aro looks to me with a raised brow.

"What on earth has you smirking mio poco colomba? (My little dove)" I reach over and hold his hand, he gasps softly as he sees what I have planned for Jake. "Oh.. oh my.. And you call me a demon?"

"What? What is it?" Caius asks with a furrowed brow as we wait for our next case.

Aro looks to me for permission to share, I nod. "Alexis is going to ravage dear innocent Jacob tonight, taking both of their virginitys.. that poor boy.." Caius growls deeply, clenching his fists on his throne. Not happy about this in the slightest.. wanting to fuck his mate first.

"OI! No getting pissy Mr. Pacman, my body my choice. I'm doing it in order of who told me they were my mate first. It's Jacob, Jasper then.. well we're going to have to pick straws for you three." I say with a shrug.

"I call first." Caius says with a menacing growl to his brothers, Marcus rolls his eyes at his brother.

"I'm a patient man.." Aro says with a shrug. "I wish to wait for the right moment."

"I agree with Aro, the right moment.. Order does not matter when it comes to this." Marcus nods in agreement I nod to them. Fuck.. being in a Poly reverse harem relationship is hard.. I wonder how the protags in animes do it..

- 🔞 -
- That Night -

Laying in bed nude, I wait for Jacob to arrive. Having ordered Demetri to fetch him while I was in a robe. I bite my lip anxiously. Well.. here goes nothing.. I may have been a connoisseur of the 18+ arts back in my world.. but I twas a virgin.. Never feeling comfortable enough with a person to take that step.. Now I feel more comfortable..

Jacob opens the door coming into the room, he looks up at me and his jaw drops. I smirk at him and close the door behind him. "Hello Puppy.. Wanna play?" I ask him trying to appear confident. Shit man, I was so Dom before.. now that I'm outta my zone I have no idea what to do.. I can order a man around, call hik a mutt and spit on him while he masterbates.. but penetrative sex?? I'm such a sub in that regard.

"I.. I uhm.." Jacob swallows the spit in his mouth, his cock hardening in his shorts at the sight of me. I raise a brow to him and he nods his head eagerly. "Yes.." I nod to him and beckon him forward.

"Tonight Puppy, we're going to take each other virginity's.. If you're okay with that...?" A blush rises to his cheeks and he nods eagerly.

"YES!- I mean yes.." He stands at the edge of the bed, playing with his fingers. I gesture to his clothes and he nods quickly stripping. He slides into bed beside me looking just as out of depth as I am. "So.. How do you want to do this..?"

"Uh.." I remember back when I had a naughty dream about him in my past life... "I want to cuddle you.. while you fuck me.." I say with a blush, he swallows his spit and nods okay. Fuck those muscles wrapped tight around me while I'm getting plowed.. JESUS.

Jacob moves and lays down in front of me, wrapping his arms around me. Pulling me close to his hot chest, I look up at him and kiss him on the lips. He smiles and kisses me back running his fingers through my hair. My breasts smush against him.

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