Chapter 7 - Hanging out

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- Dwarven Smial - One Hour Later -

Grabbing the beam I made, I bring it inside with the help of Jacob guiding it. Slotting it into place against the other beam, I use them like Lincoln logs. Pushing it so it's now in the archway I step back and smile. Jake looks down at me happy, I rest my hands on my hips with a smirk. Who needs a fancy smancy house, I have my Hovel. I made a hole a home, a true Hobbit Smial.

"Alright, section one done! Now back to work." Gotta finish section 2, then I can start my bedroom and guest room. Punching my palm I step back and begin to punch the stone wall. Jacobs eyes widen and he quickly grabs me pulling me away from the wall, making me squeak.

"OI! What's the big idea?" I turn in his arms and squint at the wolf.

"You're hurting yourself doing it like that, don't you have any tools?" He looks down at my bruised knuckles with a frown.

"Does it look like I have tool money Jacob? They don't exactly sell pickaxe's in town." I give him a deadpan stare. Who needs tools when I have my fists!

"I can buy you one." He offers with pleading eyes.

"No, I don't particularly like it when people gift me things outside of the assigned holidays. It makes me feel as though I owe them." Crossing my tiny arms, I'm still miffed that I was sent here with my autism still in tact... I've always wondered how the neurotypicals  think.. Must be nice having a clean office cubicle for a brain instead of my brain, a hyper active dog in a squirrel sanctuary. I don't have a train of thought, it's a game of pong constantly bouncing and making weird connections and derailing conversations.

"Will you at least come to the pack house for Christmas next week?" Sighing loudly I pinch the bridge of my nose, he gives me puppy dog eyes.

"How many people will be there?" I look at him with a raised brow. Now I gotta make fucking gifts. This is gonna stall my expansion. Won't even be able to work when he's gone.. for fuck sakes.

"All twelve of the pack, and three imprints." He looks me in the eyes.

"For fuck sakes.." I sigh loudly again. "My poor knife.. fine!" I'll do it for the free food! "Come here, sit down." I point to the sitting rock. Jake follows my command easily, with curiosity in his eyes.

Walking over to my wooden basket I made I rummage through the leather scraps and find a decent one. Walking back over to Jake I wrap it around his wrist and nod, marking it with a light slash. "Okay, take your clothes off." Jake blushes a bright red in embarrassment.

"I uh-"

"I need to measure your wolfs wrist." I raise a brow at him and he clears his throat but nods, getting up off the rock to go outside.

A moment later I hear claws gently against the door. Walking out I smile at him. "God you are so cute as a dog." This comment causes Jakes tail to wag happily as I shake my head and walk over to his feet, he holds his paw up for me. Wrapping the leather around his paw I nod and make another slash. Grabbing the leather I try to stretch it before nodding to myself.

"Okay dokie Jake. You can get dressed, thank you." I kiss his the end of his snout and turn back to walk inside. Damn animals make me weak, even if they are people.

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