Chapter 34 - 🔞Who's your daddy?🍋

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- Third Person POV - Next Day -

Demetri sprints through the dense forests of Michigan as the Romanian's head east. A permanent scowl etched on his face, his Louis Vuitton shoes filled with mud and water. As rain pours down onto him.

He's been chasing these fuckers all over the US for days. Having to stop and feed every once and a while to keep his strength up. These fuckers. He thinks to himself, growing more and more irritated each minute passes by. Soon passing into Ohio.

- Alexis POV - Volterra -

Jasper lays next to me on the bed, reading a book as i sit beside him. Happily crocheting a blanket for myself as I watch supernatural. Damn I would kill for that fucking car.. I think mentally, finishing off a row.

Jasper side eyes me, watching my hands work. I look at him with a smile, he smiles back. Kissing the side of my head, returning to his book. I giggle softly shaking my head.

"You're so damn cute." Jasper says with a smirk.

"Pfft. I ain't cute." I say with a pout.

"You are as cute as a kitten to me darlin." I roll my eyes returning to my crochet with a pout.

"Aww, what's with the pout baby girl?" I choke on air when he says that, casing him to burst out in a chuckle.

"That's not fair! Technical foul! Red card! o-other sports terms!!" My mind plays a clip of Whitey from eight crazy nights saying 'that's a technical foul!'.

Jasper leans back raising a brow to me. I shake my head. "Why do you have to be so fucking hot. It's not fair.. my poor ovaries can only take so much Jaz." I say with a pout. Jasper chuckles again, grabbing ahold of me he lifts me up making me squeak out in surprise. Setting me down on his lap, he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Why don't you do something about it darlin? I mean... We are alone." He says with a cocky smirk.

"I dare say that those are fighting words Mr. Whitlock." Wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Oh really now.." He leans closer, still smirking playfully. "You really wanna fight me baby girl..?" Jasper senses a spike in my lust and he smirks. "Don't you want to be a good girl for daddy?" He takes a wild leap, guessing if I'm into it... He shoots and fucking scores like a goddamn trickshot YouTuber.

I blush a deep red, my eyes widening.. and the fucker grins, knowing he hit the nail on the head. "Hm?" He raises a brow and I nod my head.

"Yes daddy.. I-I wanna be a good girl.." He picks me up and turns me around in his hold, so my back is on his chest.

"Alright babygirl.." Jasper kisses my neck. "I wanna make you cum.. can daddy take off your panties?" I nod my head and lift my hips so he can slide my pants and panties off. I throw them across the room with my gift.

Jasper lazily glides his fingers across my pussy lips, I bite my lip as I watch him. "Such a beautiful little pussy.." He whispers into my ear, nibbling on the lobe. His finger finds my clit and begins to slowly rub it in circles. I wiggle under his grasp as I feel tingles of pleasure drip down my spine.

"Getting wet already? We just started you naughty girl." Jasper says with a smirk, sliding his fingers down to my hole to collect some of the wetness oozing out. Using it to lubricate my clit.

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