Chapter 18 - Marcus's date 🍫

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Laying in bed with my DS held in my hands, my eyes locked onto the screen as I play Digimon world championship. My absolute favorite game on the DS. I swirl my stylus around with vampire speed and instant catch the Digimon. Cackling in glee at the ultimate power I have.

I'm alone in my room afor once which is so nice, although Demetri and Felix are outside the door.. But the relative silence is making my brain itch. So me being, well me I need to fill it. I smirk at the song that comes into my head. Ice nine kills 'Meat and Greet'. It released a month before my death and I obsessed over it, listening to it on repeat for over an hour. The chorus making me stim so much.. It is the end did that as well.

"The silence is circling~ Like lambs to a slaughter~ this dance never ends~~ Defiled, starved then skinned~ like many before her~ it's happened again~ We've all found a flavor we can't resist. The starling spreads her wings! While the evil threads the needle so it seems. The moth is pulling her strings! Forced to dwell within his hell to stop the screams! One final flight for vanity... I'd fuck me." I head bang my head as I mentally play the riff. Fuck I can't wait till 2023 in this timeline. I mentally cry having to wait so long to hear my favorite band. At least I can catch up on One Piece and stay up to date with it. I only ever got the chance to watch the Netflix adaptation.... Mihawk was SO hot.. oddly enough so was the clown guy.. and im scared to death of clowns.

Taking a deep breath before I metal scream/growl like I've practiced in my previous life. "PUT THE LOTION IN THE BASKET, BID FAREWELL THEN CLOSE THE CASKEEEETTTT....." Doing the 'fava bean and a nice ciante' thing Hannibal does. Then my brain repeats the chorus, I then hear a knock at the door. Raising a brow I open the door with my gift, Aro stands at the door with wide black eyes. Dark circles under them showing he hasn't fed.

"Hello Mi Amore.." He bows his head in greeting, I scowl at him but beckon him inside. Here we go.. I sigh mentally. Goddamn conscience.. making me listen.

"How can I help you Aro?" Saving my game and turning my DS off, I give him all my attention. Goddamn brain, making me pause shit.  Making me have to pause the television whenever I need to hear someone... Stupid brain.

He reaches behind the wall just outside the door and pulls out a massive basket with a pink bow on top. Filled with my favorite chocolates, crochet and art supplies. My eyes widen at this and he gives me a meek smile. "Demetri told me that you were growing bored without your hand crafts.. I know this will not mend the wound that I have made.. but I just hope it makes you happy."

Lifting myself out of the bed with my gift I hover over to the floor before allowing myself to walk over to him. Looking in the basket I smile slightly. "Well.. it's not an apology but it's nice.." I look back up to him. Aro using hacks with his damn mind reading... He knows just how to make me happy.. cheater.

"I was getting to that amore.." Aro says with a smile, he takes a breath before closing the door behind him and getting on his knees in front of me. "I was an idiotic arse who took his time, believing you were safe here.. I.. truthfully I forgot about Sulpicia.. I haven't seen her in over a century.. Our marriage was just in name.. I will not lie, seeing her and Athenadora burn after what she tried to do filled me with joy." I sigh softly as I look at him, seeing the remorse in his eyes.

"I forgive you." I put my hands on his face and he gasps as he updates my memory that he knows of. Kissing him on the lips he closes his eyes and sighs softly enjoying as out lips move together. He reaches up and runs his fingers through my hair as I pull away. He looks up at me in bliss.

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