Chapter 13 - Negotiation's

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- Cullen's Home -

Sitting down on the couch, I cross my arms as I look at the three kings across from me. Jasper or rather the Major sitting at my side, holding me close to his body. "So... what's the plan?" I ask the room as I see all the Cullen's have given us the house to talk.. Although I hear guards out in the surrounding woods. I pat my hands onto my legs as I bite my tongue.

Aro looks to both his brothers before he speaks. "We would like you to move to Volterra as soon as possible. Of course Major Whitlock and.. Mr. Black are welcome to join you." Aro states as he sits with his legs crossed, holding his knee.

"I.. I can't just go to Italy." Jacob says as he stands behind me. "I need to talk to the alpha first.. Then my dad." Jacob looks to me in concern.

"We go wherever Alexis goes." The Major states as he stares at the kings, eyeing them up with his black eyes. Watching them for any signs of a threat, his muscles coiled and ready to spring into action.

"Well uh.. I don't want to leave without Jake or Jasper.." I run my fingers through my hair. "But the moving aspect for me won't be hard, I uhm.. don't have much.. But I'm gonna go with Jake to see Sam the alpha and talk with them. In the meantime Jasper can pack all my stuff, if that's okay?"

"That's fine Darlin, I trust Jacob he's a strong fighter." The Major's gravelly voice makes me shiver.

"Guards shall accompany yo-" Caius says before he's interrupted.

"Your kind can't follow, you will be attacked the moment you step onto our land. Alexis is the only exception." Jake crosses his arms over his chest.

"Then she will not go, I do not want any of those mongrels near her!" Caius growls out gutterally, standing up from his seat poised to attack. Jake begins to growl as well, hair begining to form on his arms as the wolf to the surface.

"OI!!" I bellow out as I stand between them with my arms up, they both stop their assaults and look down at me. Not wanting to harm their mate if they should scuffle. I feel like I'm Chris Pratt trying to tame the velocoraptors.

"Caius, I will be perfectly safe, some guards can join me till the border. I'm an imprint, it would be against one of their laws to harm me." I look at him on the eyes, asking for understanding.

Caius grits his teeth as he stares at me for a moment waiting for me to back down due to his rage filled gaze. I raise a brow to him not taking his bullshit, he relents with a sigh. ".... Felix." The buff vampire appears by his masters side, eyeing up Jacob. "Mine and Aro's phone's." Felix hands his master the phones he asked for. "You will be on the phone with the three of us until you are in our presence again." He calls his own phone before handing it to me.

"Oh..kay? If I lose service I'll call you right back." Caius nods in agreement, crossing his arms as he sits down.

"Please be safe mia piccola luce (my little light)." Marcus says as he looks at me, love filling his eyes. I clear my throat at that look. Jesus, whatever brought me here isn't pulling any punches is it?

"We'll be right back." I smile to them as me and Jake walk out of the door. He quickly runs off to change as I'm surrounded by vampires.

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