Chapter 6 - Imp- what??

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I sit back and look at him, squinting.... *Computing*... The windows dial up noise plays in my head. "Hmm..... Yeah nah. I'm done." Getting up off the porch I dust myself off. Fuck this bizz, everything was so much more simple as a hermit. I'm going Home.

"Done? What do you mean?" I ignore his questions and grab my shit with my force and zoomie speed.

"Shes going back to her home... injured or not. She says 'everything was so much more simple when she was a hermit'." Edward spills my tea without my consent.

"Oi!" I appear at his side and jump up like Mario before smacking Edward upside the head, he winces and bends away. "DON'T MAKE ME SHOW YOU MORE CURSED SHIT SQUIDWARD! I've seen two girls one cup." I squint at him and growl deeply, pointing at him. His eyes widen as he gets a preview when I think of the words. "Honestly? Fuck y'all. I did something nice, even went out of my way and ya hurt me. I'm outtie 5000." I give them a peace symbol as I walk away, Jasper begins to visibly panic as he looks to Carlisle.

"Alexis-" Carlisle begins to speak, trying to beckon me back.

"I don't care if you're a sexy doctor dilf. I ain't staying." I keep walking then zoom off with Vampire speed. Not noticing that Jasper follows me with a look of panic and worry.

- Home -

Walking into my house I look at the state of my home and growl deeply. "Emmett you fucking unclean neanderthal!" Looking at the state of my home. My floor covered in charcoal and ash, as if he took handfuls and flung them everywhere.. like he dug into the fire pit like a goddamn dog. "I can't fucking sleep until this is clean.." I sigh as I walk over and grab my reed broom, just as there's a knock on my door.

"GO AWAY! NO SOLICITORS!" I growl towards my door as I wince, leaning down to scoop up the stuff into my stone dustpan.

The door opens without my consent. I forgot to fucking bar it. Jasper walks in with a worried look, seeing me bent over and in pain he acts. "Let me." Jasper grabs the broom and dustpan from my hands and begins to clean.

"The fuck are you doing here?" I squint at him in utter confusion. I expected the dog to come or something..

"I.. I was worried you would hurt yourself by running.. I wanted to stay and keep an eye on you." Unclasping my cloak, I hang it up before turning to clean out the firepit with the force only for Jasper to beat me to it.

"Would you stop!? I've been surviving for almost a year by myself now. I'm perfectly capable!" Treating me like a goddamn child! I may look like I'm 5 but goddammit I'm 26!

"I don't want you to injure yourself more.. it's my fault you're like this, let me take care of you until you're better." He gives me the best puppy dog eyes and I cave.

"UGH. If it will make you go away faster, be my guest." I gesture to my home before rolling my eyes, I walk over to my sleeping corner and scowl. I need to make a better bed..

Walking over to a small basket holding charcoal. I grab a piece and walk to my more flat wall. I begin to sketch a design for a bed frame and possible bed. Hmm.. I could make a giant bag made of leather.. but what would I put in it? I don't have access to hay.. Or I could make a hammock..

"Whatcha designing darlin?" Jasper asks as he sets up my fire pit.

"A bed, I'm sick of the sleeping bag." I could grab some birds with the force and pluck them? No..

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