Chapter 2 - Why am I still here?

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Slowly opening my eyes I look up expecting my familiar white ceiling.. only to see stone. This.. this can't be happening? How am I still dreaming? Sitting up I look at the fire and see that it's gone out. "Okay.. Ultimate test time.. you can't feel pain in a dream.." I look down at my arm and pinch it with all my strength hissing as I feel pain.

"... Fuck." My heart begins to race. "How is this possible? Did I die and get reincarnated? Did I get isekai'd? No I couldn't have, I didn't get hit by a truck.. plus I may still be in my world.. Gah! Fucking hell!" I yell out in anger. "Well it's got to be something supernatural, I have super strength and indestructible skin for fuck sakes.. Marvel? No.. DC? No.." i shake my head as I look down in thought.  "No, no time for pondering. If this is real, I'm going to have to survive. I'll be damned if I die now.. even if I'm in a smol child body." I scrunch my face up as I look at my tiny toes.

"Alright. First things first, shelter then try to look for people. I'll steal some stuff to survive better.. but first I need to make a door to keep the heat in.. let's test this super strength." I smack my fist onto my flat hand.

Quickly running out of the cave I yelp at how fast I'm going. "Whoa! Im like the flash! Nyooom~!" Zooming through the forest I find a good spot and look at a tall tree.  "One, two... DETROIT SMAAAASSHHH!!!" I punch the tree clean through the tree causing it to fall, I jump back quickly and yell out in triumph. "LETS FUCKING GOOO. IM SUPERMAN BITCH!"

Cheering out I dig my tiny fingies into the tree and break it in half. Quickly snapping off all the branches to be gathered later. I make quick work of heaving the large pine back to my cave.

Once I'm back I karate chop the wood into some decent planks molding the wood like playdough I drill holes into it with my finger. Using the Japanese technique of using wood as nails to hold it together.


By the time I'm finished with my fancy new door it's been a couple days. I've nearly exhausted all of the bear meat.. so I'm going to have to go hunting.

"Okay, Minecraft style of exploration time. Pick a direction and go in it, don't move to the left or right and create landmarks.. I can do this." I nod to myself and stretch my muscles before looking to the opposite of my cave. I quickly bolt into the woods full speed.

Zooming through the foliage I keep my straight path for a few minutes until I hear something. Stoping in my tracks I listen. Okay I hear something moving. I quickly grab some rocks and make an arrow pointing back home before bolting towards the sounds.

Finding a small herd of deer I spy the second largest buck and go full speed and tackle it. Something takes over inside of me and I bite into its neck as we roll. I feel my eyes close as I drink. The warm liquid flowing into my mouth as the deer struggles. It soon stops moving and I release as the blood stops.

"Oh shit. Am I a vampire?" I shrug not caring much, getting off the deer I quickly sling its body over my shoulders. Running back home to quickly skin it.


Sorting and cutting up the meat into all its different parts, I hum as I look down at it. I'm absolutely full.. I can't eat all this right now.. I'm going to have to find a town. I'll climb the mountain before it becomes dark. Nodding to myself I turn and book it out of my house. "Okay time to test jumping.. Can I jump like superman?" I look up at the mountain cliff and I crouch and jump. Absolutely clearing it making me yell in surprise.

Landing with a loud thud I sigh as I get up. Continuing my jumps I slowly get the hang of it. After a few minutes I'm at the top of the mountain on a tree. Looking around 360 style I spot it in the distance, a town. "Thank fuck! I see modern houses." I sigh in relief and quickly climb down. Digging my fingers into the tree to mark which way my home is I turn with a smile and run towards the town.


By the time I get there it's dark out.. But I can still see perfectly normal which is weird.. I keep out of the light and look around the area..

Entering what I assume is the town center, I can no longer stay in the darkness of the trees anymore. So I take to the rooftops, making sure to keep out of the light. Assassin's Creed style.

I find an shop that looks like it supplies hikers and stuff. All the lights are off and nobody's there.. Hehehe.. i smirk as i run across the buildings to be above the shop i want. Jumping down behind it I find the back door.  Karate chopping the handle right off I open it with ease.

Okay Alex, only what you need. Be zoomie quick, it I need to take a break to outside where there's no cameras. I hope myself up and rush inside smashing all the cameras I can see and I grab a couple backpacks. Stuffing them full of all types of outdoor clothing, thermos', knives, water filter bottles, sleeping bags and various pans. I even grab a fire starter keychain before booking it out of there.

On top of the roof I look at my spoils with a smile. Looking towards a grocery store that's closed I quickly write down a list of what I need on a pen and paper I stole before rinsing and repeating.

Grabbing plenty of canned goods for emergency rations and an entire backpack full of salt and different herbs. I also grab a couple things of Tupperware and a pillow. "Alright, this is good enough!" I smile and strap all my bags on before running across the rooftops back towards the forest.

Not realizing that something has caught my scent in town..


Grabbing all my Venison and some Tupperware I fill it with salt before laying strips of the meat down on top and covering it with more salt. Nodding to myself I grab my new knife I got and begin to get all the flesh and silver skin off my pelts before laying them down and covering them in a good layer of salt as well. Smiling at my accomplishment I move over to my bedroom and take off my nasty clothes, throwing them in a pile to be washed when I make a washboard.

I grab my new clothes and slide them on with a smile. Underwear! Finally!! Laying down in my sleeping bag, I zip it up resting my head on my pillow. Having made sure my fire is just hot coals at this point. Closing my eyes I fall asleep.

- Third Person POV -

"Sam!" Someone bolts inside of the cabin making Sam look up. Setting down his fork, giving his pack mate his full attention.

"What is it?"

"I was on patrol and caught the scent of a leech near the border of our territory and Forks. I followed it as far as I could but it crossed over into the Cullens land."

"Shit.. Okay." Sam nods before grabbing his phone, quickly calling Carlisle to tell him the news.

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