Chapter 8 - Merry Chrysler 🎄

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- Christmas Day -

Grabbing my deer skin messenger bag, I grab the different charms of wolves and bats and put them in different pockets I made. Grabbing different Tupperware containers filled with Venison, Moose and mountain lion jerky I nod and clasp the bag shut with the antler clasp.

Looking down at my shirt I made a month ago I scowl. Fucking thing is getting small again.. I'm growing faster. Id say I'm biologically getting to 6 now.. Sighing loudly I side on my deer leather pants and shirt, grabbing my mountain lion fur belt to keep them up.

Hearing a soft scratching at my for i smile. "Coming Jake!" Sliding on my bag I walk to my door and put on my cloak. FOR THE FOOD!!!

Opening my door I walk out and my eyes widen when I see a wolf Sam standing there next to Jake. He bows his head to me in greeting, I bow back before closing my door. Pinning it shut with a wooden nail.

Jakes tail begins to wag when he sees me. "Merry Christmas Jake, Sam." I smile at them as Jake lowers himself to allow me to climb on.

- Pack House -

Jake and Sam slow down as we approach before stopping just outside, Sam walks off behind the house to change while Jake lets me get off his back. I walk over to his face and give him a kiss on the snout. "Thanks for the ride Jake!"

Jake nods and trots off quickly to change. Coming back a moment later with pants on and a smile.

"Emily is eager to meet you." Sam states as he approaches behind Jake.

"I'd love to meet her! I hear she's a great baker." I adjust the strap on my bag with a smile.

- Cullen's -

Jasper looks out the window with as scowl as everyone celebrates behind him in the living room. Why did she have to go with the mutt? He thinks as he watches the driveway for her to arrive.

"Jasper, Alexis is Jacobs imprint he has as much of a right to her time as you." Edward states with a sigh.

"I don't care." Jasper growls as he continues to stare, waiting patiently for her to arrive.

- Pack House -

Walking inside I look up and see all the wolves at the table helping Emily get everything set up.

"Hey guys." Jake says as he walks inside behind me, everyone turns and there eyes lock onto me. Ah fuck.

"So you're Alexis! Jacob hasn't shut up about you." Paul says with a laugh, taking a sip of his drink.

"Yep that's me. Have y'all done gifts yet?" I ask as I take off my cloak, Jacob grabs it from me and hangs it up.

"Not yet. We were going to eat first." Sam states as he walks to Emily and kisses her on the lips with a smile.

"Oki doki! I'm excited for the food not gonna lie." I mini jump into the chair and sit down on my bag, using it as a booster seat. "All I've eaten is animal meat and blood." I chuckle softly as I look longingly at the food. "The fanciest meal I've had was a slow cooked venison roast."

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