Chapter 17 - Jasper's date 👊🏻

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- Next Day -

Laying in bed with my knife in my lap, I turn the carving I made around in my hands. Looking at it with a critical eye, Jasper having gone down to the kitchens to get both mine and Jacobs breakfast for the morning.

"You almost done with that one? You've been working on it for so long." Jacob says as he lays next to me, watching me work with fascination.

"Yeah.. something feels off about it though... What do you think?" I hand it to him and he grabs it, taking a good look at it. Having carved wood before.

"Ah I see, you mind if I..?" He gestures to my knife and I hand it to him with my gift. He plucks it from the air and begins to delicately shave down the wolf's snout.

"Fuckin a' that's what it was." I grumble angrily as he smirks, finishing getting it perfect. I flick my wrist and the shavings zoom over to a bucket next to the fireplace. "Ah.. that's ones done.. and I'm out of wood."

"You want me to ask for some more?" Jacob asks with a tilt of his head.

"Nah.. The moment I stop having a constant supply, or if I miss a day of doing it repetitively my hyper fixation ends." God only knows how many times that has happened.. One day I'm eating an entire bag of Doritos for breakfast watching Jacksepticeye play Deaths stranding.. the next I'm done with Doritos and moved on to something else.

"Well, whatcha feel like doing?" Jacob asks as he gets up, setting the wolf on a shelf above the bed.

"The problem is, I don't know. My brain is a sassy lil baka." Jacob squints at me in confusion, not understanding the term in the slightest. "Right you don't know future lingo.. A sassy idiot."

"What's it like in 2023?" Jacob asks, curiosity glimmering in his eyes. He gets back down and lays next to me, listening intently.

"Better than it was in 2020 that's for damn sure.. We had a global pandemic, hundreds of thousands of people died."

"Holy shit." Jacob says with wide eyes.

"I was lucky to have caught it on the ass end.. If I caught it during the beginning I have no doubt I would of been dead. Its a form of flu virus I think? It affected the lungs.. and I had asthma which would of been deadly." I sigh softly. thank God I don't have fucking asthma anymore. "All I had for lingering symptoms was I was more sensitive to particles in the air, like dust or cat hair." Jacob nods just as Jasper enters the room holding a tray again.

"Mornin darlin, you sleep well?" Jasper asks as he prepares a plate for me. These boys spoil me rotten..

"Yeah, slept fine. Fuck I'm grateful I can still sleep.." I say with a smile on my face. Gotta love wet dreams.. Hmph, seems like I'm hitting puberty. I started at age 11 in my original world.

Jasper chuckles as he walks over with a plate of French toast with powdered sugar on top. A small jug of maple syrup on the side. I take it with a smile and dig in. "You busy today?" He asks as he hands Jake a considerably larger plate of food.

"Nope, I'm gonna be bored out of my mind. Why?" I say as I take a bite of the scrambled eggs. Silently stimming at the flavors and texture of fresh chicken eggs, wiggling in my seat. Store bought just does not compare.

"You want to have our date?" He asks as he leans against the wall, raising a brow.

"Sure! Sounds like fun! What did you have in mind?" I say with a smile, nibbling on my French toast.

"I was thinking we could spar?" He raises a brow to me and I smile.

"FUCK YESSS." I bellow out in an excited voice, Jasper chuckles at my enthusiasm. "I've been wanting to fight you since I saw the scene where you trained with the pack!! It was so fucking hot." Jasper smirks at me giving me a wink.

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