Chapter 25 - We stan Charlie in this house

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Once Jacob's leg was all healed up by morning, he left to talk to the council about letting Felix and Demetri come onto the reservation.. The kings were told what happened to me by my guards and nearly had panic attacks if it wasn't for Jasper who came back a day early to surprise me.. They wanted to come straight to Forks but I told them to stay, knowing that they can't just drop everything.. they're kings for god's sakes.. plus we're not staying that long..

I'm sitting in my old room in my Smial laying in my dug out bed I made with grass and furs. A bowl of goldfish sitting in my lap. Having made Demetri go out to the nearby store and get me some. Hovering the occasional cracker into my awaiting maw, using my gift to help with drawing what I want with a sketchbook and pencil.. Drawing freehand I just can't get it right, but with my gift I can literally transfer an image from my mind onto a canvas. This helps so much with me feeling like my art is shit.

Felix is sitting outside in the cold guarding the door while Demetri is inside with me. The two of us talking about anything and everything to pass the time. Me and the two of them becoming fast friends.

Demetri sits up straight and listens. Felix is alerting him of incoming wolves. "Your wolf is back with others." He states, I pick myself up with my gift and trot outside with a hand full of goldfish. He opens the door for me like a gentleman.


Stepping out the door I see the whole pack standing at attention behind a furry Sam. Jacob in his human form walks up to stand in front of me. "How'd it go?" I say munching on my snack.

"The uhm.. Council approved of entry for your guards into La Push for this visit only.. as long as the pack is nearby to guard them.. Dad said that we'll need to tell them everytime we come to Forks with additional.. guards." Jacobs scratches the back of his head. Billy probably felt scared of the Volturi.. If they didn't allow my guards to follow me that's practically a war declaration in Caius' eyes..

"Oh okay. Sweet." I say with a happy smile, turning to my guards Tweedle Dum and Dee. "Okay boys you know the drill. Standard coven hospitality. No hunting in La Push or any surrounding City's. Besides we brought blood with us so food is fine. Stay close to me and don't fight the wolves.  That goes for you guys too Paw Patrol. The moment a fight breaks out for any reason I'm breaking it up." I eye them all up, specifically eyeing up Paul. He growls at me, eyeing up my guards.

Sam snaps his jaws at Paul with a growl, making him back down with a whine. Turning to me he nods his head, I smile at him. "Oakily dokily. Lets get a move on-"

"Wait Lex, uh.. Charlie Swan is currently at my dads.. watching a game.." My eyes widen at this information. Papa Swan? The best fictional dad ever?

"Mayhaps.. could I.. meet him..?" I say twiddling my fingers as I look up at Jake. Pulling off my best puppy dog eyes.

"As long as things one and two stay outside and out of sight guarding, I don't see a problem." I cheer out in glee flying up into the air with my excitement. Jacob smiles up at me.

"THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!" I bellow out into the woods. Sam looks at me confused, wondering why I'm so excited to see him.


Jacob and I are driving down the road in the car he fixed up. Demetri, Felix and the pack following along in the woods. Could have flown here in half the time... Sigh..

We ride up to the Black residence and I see the police cruiser. I bounce up and down in my seat with excitement, shaking my hands in the air as I squeal. Jacob turns to watch me with a smile, parking the car in the driveway and turning it off.

"Okay, sooo what's the story?" I turn to Jake with a straight face. "Am I your girlfriend, Fiancee? Cause we can't exactly say imprint."

"Uh y-yeah.. girlfriend's okay.." Jacob blushes slightly and I nod to him.

Stepping out of the car I look and see Demetri and Felix hidden from human eyes in the trees. The pack guarding from the ground. I take deep breath before following Jake up the ramp.

He opens the door letting me in first. He calls out to his father as I step inside. "Dad? I'm home."

"In the living room!" We hear him yell out, Jacob leads me through the house and we enter the living room.

Charlie Swan is sitting on the couch with Billy right next to him. Billy looks at me with a smile, Charlie's eyes widening at the sight of the both of us. "Hey! Alexis good to see you, Jake said you were coming too." Billy says with a happy smile.

"Hey Billy, looking good as always." I smirk at him and he chuckles softly.

"Where are my manners, this is Charlie Swan a close friend of mine. Charlie this is Alexis, Jake's girlfriend." Billy nudges Charlie with a smirk, Charlie rolls his eyes. Jacob sighs and looks away with a blush.

"Pleasure to meet you Alexis." Charlie says with a welcoming smile. AHHHH HE SAID MY NAME.

"P-Pleased to meet you as well Mr. Swan." I say with a giddy smile as Jake leads me to sit down on his lap. Because there's not many chairs in this house.. I lean against his chest and get comfy.

"Oh please, call me Charlie." He says waving it off. "So uh, how did you and Jake meet?"

Okay, sprinkle some truth with the lies. "Oh uh.. I'm a kind of an off the grid survivalist type like my parent's. It's a hobby." I say with a smile. "My parents have a little shack hidden up here in La Push that I used to live in. I'm in college currently in Italy. My parents left all of their properties to me, when they passed... But um, one day I was taking a hike through the woods to forage for any plants in season and I saw Jacob hiking as well with Sam and his friends. We got to talking and became fast friends." Fuck I hope that was convincing.

"Oh.. May I ask how you lost your parents..? You don't have to-" Charlie's natural investigative instinct comes in.

"No it's fine.. Uhm.. They died while foraging far from where they were used to.. a rabid bear killed them towards Canada.. Some hunters found them and reported it... then they got the bear in the end." Eh, not my best work but it will do.

"Oh jeez I'm so sorry.. Forks and Washington has been having a hell of a lot of animals attacks in recent years... I'm so sorry you had to go through that.." Charlie gives me a look full of sympathy that crushes my soul. Gah! I hate lying to the best dad!

"I've grieved and shed plenty of tears.. I've accepted what happened, all I can do is move forward." Fuck lying sucks. I want to tell Charlie.. but he wouldn't take it very well.. since I stopped Radiator from being born, Jacob never had the chance to reveal he's a wolf... Plus mt handy cover story I made for Bella of her going to school in Italy was a good thing.. They can see each other until she stops passing as aging.. Then she can pull away with physical contact, still calling him.. Then we'll say she had an accident and hold a funeral..

"So you said you used to live off grid? What was that like if I may ask?" Billy asks with a genuine curious look. Having known of my physical growth.

"A LOT of work." I say with a chuckle. "You have to manage so many different things. Making sure you have enough wood to stay warm, food for the winter. That your home is well insulated.. Lots of work, but very rewarding." I say with a bright smile.

"I'll stick to my house with my flat screen and beer thank you." Charlie says with a chuckle taking a sip of his beer. I snort out a laugh and nod with him.

We stay at Billy's till it starts to get dark and Charlie goes home.. Jacob talks with his dad privately while I wait outside..  Once he's done we head back to Volterra, my coronation as queen is coming soon..

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