Chapter 32 - Disneyland is neutral territory!

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- Next Day - Disneyland -

Walking wonkily through the park with a smile, holding a churro in my hand that I occasionally nibble on. Aro left me in the care of Demetri and Felix today. Something came up and he had to call his brothers, something about another coven on the move? he'll join me when he's finished.

I spot a stitch plushie that dressed up to look like Loki and my eyes sparkle. I turn to Demetri and give him my best puppy dog eyes. He rolls his eyes with a smirk and grabs it to buy it for me, I smile in glee. He walks over to the cash register waiting in line so he can pay for it.

As I'm kneeling down to look at some cute lunch boxes I feel a presence behind me.. "You will come with me willingly or I will kill everyone in this park." A deep voice whispers softly, my back stiffens. "I have others waiting for my queue to begin the carnage." Seriously? At fucking Disneyland?

I sigh softly as I stand back up, turning to look at the man. My eyes widen softly when I see it's one of the Romanian leaders. The blonde one. He wraps his arm around me and smiles, leading me out of the shop straight to the exit.

"You think you're clever huh?" I say as I cross my arms. This fucker is going to get his asshole ripped anew.

"Oh yes, I'm very clever." We walk out of the park, he leads me somewhere so that we're out of sight.

C'mon Demetri, what's the fucking hold up?? Cheshire is growling inside my mind, wanting to rip this guy apart.. Just as we get out of view, the guy is tackled by a snarling Demetri.

I jump back away from him as they wrestle, snarling at each other. Punching him the Romanians face cracks, he roars and punches at Demetri who dodges. Felix who's coming back from putting things in the car spots the other trying to sneak up behind me. He launches himself at him with a snarl, the bearded ones eyes widen as he's tackled to the ground.

Somehow the Romanian kicks Demetri off him, straight into me. We land with a grunt as he throws Felix off his brother before booking it.

Demetri gets back up off the ground with a snarl, his eyes black in rage. "Stay with the Queen!" He says to Felix before running after them.

Felix rushes over to me and helps me up with a worried look on his face. "Those fuckers are so dead. Who attacks someone at FUCKING Disneyland?? It's practically neutral ground!" I bellow with a scowl, gesturing my hands around.

"Come Mia Regina, we must get you somewhere safe. I have no doubt they will not stop until they either kill you or kidnap you." Felix ushers me towards the car, making sure I'm all set before hopping in and driving off. Going well over the speed limit.

Grabbing his phone out of his pocket, he calls his master to alert him of the situation. "Master Aro? There has been a situation. An attempt to kidnap the queen was just made-  yes sir we thwarted the attempt. She is safe, we are en route to the hotel now- ... yes sir, I shall head straight to the jet.. yes sir.. Okay sir, goodbye." He hangs up the phone, setting it down on the console.

"So..?" I ask him with a raised brow.

"We are to bring you back to the safety of the castle. Master Aro is worried we have a mole, he is going to scan all of the guards and staffs minds until they're caught." He flicks his eyes to me.

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