Chapter 20 - 🐾 Ride on the wild side🐾

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- That Night -

Laying in bed finally falling peacefully asleep in the arms of Jacob. Having played Halo 3 versus Emmett the whole night.... I'm pulled into an odd dream.

Opening my eyes I'm by the pack house near the woods, but everything's in a haze of blue.. Like a wispy blue mist.. Almost like the other side in stranger things.. Hearing a stick break behind me I turn, crouching down ready for a fight. An incredibly tall native man covered in wolf tattoos towers over me, a large headdress sitting proudly on his head. He smiles at me kindly. Jesus Christ this guy's like 7ft tall!

"Who are you?" I ask cautiously, not wanting to hurt him without cause.

"I am Taha Aki child.." My eyes widen in surprise, I stand back up and bow to him.

"It is an honor to meet you sir." He's the first shifter! He waves me off as he looks at me with curiosity.

"I must say.. it is quite odd for a cold one to enter the spirit realm.." He walks around me in a circle, almost as if he's inspecting me.

"This isn't a dream then..? How can I be here? I'm not Quileute." What the fuck is happening?

"No, you are not.." He says as he looks down at me, bending down to come eye to eye with me. "But you child have an incredible gift.. I have watched you for some time, and by the strength you have shown just today confirms it. By having flesh on flesh contact you are able to copy a gift or trait from the person you touched.. By touching my descendant for so long you have gained the abilities of a spirit warrior."

"Wha.. so I don't have telekinesis as my gift?" I ask with confusion on my face. Who the fuck did I get telekinesis from? Maybe my vamp dad? Or my mother's human trait before she died? But if Taha Aki is right I need skin on skin...?

"No child. You copy others via touch." He states plainly. "What you experienced today during your anger.. that scratching within your mind? That was you inner animal begging to be let out. To tear into your foe."

"Holy shit.. so I can turn into an animal?? What animal??" I ask with confusion. I sure as shit can't be a wolf. I'm not Quileute. He smiles and looks behind me to the forest, I turn around and gasp. Seeing an eastern bobcat the size of a fuckin car. That's the type of bobcat that would be native where I lived.. in my original world.. you saw them frequently in my town.. It walks towards me with confidence, looking down to me.

Something inside me urges me to hold my hand out, so I do. It begins to purr as it looks down to me. "I give you my blessing child.. Use the gifts of a spirit warrior with pride." Taha Aki says just as the bobcat pushes it's head into my hand. I gasp loudly as everything goes white just as a falling sensation begins.

- Third Person POV -

Jacob holds Alexis in his arms with a smile, closing his eyes to go to sleep.. letting out a sigh of content.. Only for the two heartbeats in the room.. become one. Jacobs eyes open, alert he sits up and looks at Alexis. Jasper having been reading a book in the corner looks at Alexis in fright, rushing to her side. His eyes growing black as the Major rises to control.

"What happened?" The Major growls as he looks down at Alexis.

"I don't know!  HELP! SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR!" Jacob yells out before climbing on top of her only in his boxers, beginning CPR and chest compressions. Her body lays there limp, her eyes closed. He pinches her nose and breaths into her mouth before doing compressions again.

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