Chapter 16 - Donation's and Apologies

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- Two Days Later - Third Person POV - 6 Am -

Laying in bed fast asleep, snuggled close to Jasper and Jake. My unconscious body nuzzles itself into the warmth of the wolf man, he smiles down at my sleeping form. Jasper runs his fingers through my hair, smiling as well. Both men having had a talk a few days ago while she was asleep.. Now they are cordial and even friends with each other.

A knock comes at the door startling the two from their calm respite, Jasper looks to Jacob and gets up quickly. Opening the door to reveal a well dressed Marcus, his hands folded in front of him.

"Yes?" Jasper drawls out as he looks at the man, dark circles forming under Jaspers eyes from not feeding.

"Your meal has been prepared for you Mr. Whitlock. A criminal just as mia cara luce (my darling light) requested.. A jug of blood is in the other room so you may feed in peace." Marcus states and Jasper nods quickly exiting the room to go feed, so he can return to Alexis's side as soon as possible.

Marcus stands in the doorway and looks to Alexis being held in Jacobs arms. "How has she been..?" He asks the wolf in an unsure voice.

"Depressed, she's hardly left the bed... She put up a strong front in the presence of others.. But when it's just me and Jasper.." Jacob sighs and kisses the top of her head, holding her tiny form close to his body.

"Aro and Caius can feel the strain on their bond.. They aren't feeding until they regain her trust." Marcus states as he looks at his mate longingly. Wishing to hold her in his arms.

"That's probably gonna take a while and a lot of groveling.. Alexis isn't like 'normal' people I've noticed." Jake says as Jasper re-enters the room with the dark circles gone and a slight red tint to his amber eyes.

"Thank you for the meal." He says before he rejoins her side, sliding back into bed.

"You are most welcome.. I believe Caius and Aro will be around at some point soon to speak with her.. I just wished to give you a warning beforehand." Marcus bows his head looking at Alexis longingly before he takes his leave, closing the door behind him.

- Three Hours Later - Alexis POV -

Laying in bed, my carving resting on my lap as I work the chunk of wood down to the shape of a Wolf howling. Occasionally using my gift to hover the chunks of shavings into the nearby trashcan. My hands working on auto pilot as I watch Demetri and Felix haul a television into my room and set it up for me with the help of Jacob who fiddles with the wires.

"Thank you boys so much." I say with a smile, they turn to me and smile back.

"Anything for you Mia Regina." Demetri says with a smirk as he plugs the television in. Apparently the fuckers did have wifi and power outlets. They had a vampire who could control stone to help with the upgrades of the castle.. Cheeky shits, not giving me the wifi password. That's just criminal.

"I bought every game that's been released and every console in retaliation for Aro and Caius' stupidity.. So tell the guards if they want to play anything, just ask." I wink at them and they grin at me. "All I ask is don't scratch the discs."

"We will certainly be taking advantage of that Mia Regina." Felix says with a smirk as they finish setting up the TV.

Grabbing my laptop from across the room with my gift, I quickly look up bookshelves.. Finding an artist who makes custom ones for really expensive. I smirk and submit multiple orders of what I want and how they look.  A Mario and Pokemon themed one, a Sly cooper themed one and a Master chief one. For each consoles' games.

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