Chapter 28 - I'm the fucking Avatar.

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- ???????? - Castle -

Two men sit on their thrones within the ruins of their destroyed castle, sighing deeply in boredom as they wait for their mole to arrive to deliver his report.

The doors open with a bang and a man wearing a lower guard Volturi robes rushes in. "My Lord's!" He kneels in front of them, they sit up in their seats. Eager to hear the news, knowing only knowing that the Volturi held a ball to announce something.

"What do you have to report?"

"M-my kings.. The Volturi leaders have found their mate!" The guard says in a panicked voice.

"Three woman at the same time?" The blonde one looks to his 'brother' in confusion.

The man kneeling shakes his head no, a sick smile on his face. "No my kings.. One woman, for all three."

"This is amazing! We kill her and we bring the Volturi to it's knees, then we can reclaim our true thrones!" The one with dark hair says with a grin.

"One problem brother." The blonde says with a sigh. "She is going to be the most guarded woman on this planet.. Such a vulnerability to their rule must be protected." Grumbling deeply as he rubs the bottom of his face.

"True.. We must simply wait until an opportunity presents itself.. We are patient." The dark haired one says with a smirk.

"Good idea. You, keep an eye on her. Find the weaknesses in the defenses surrounding her. Once one is present, tell us and we will gather our forces to mount an attack." He points down to their mole.

"Yes my kings, I shall return once the weakness has been identified." The man kneeling says before standing up, zooming off to return to the Volturi castle.

"Not long now brother.." The dark haired one says with a smile.

"Yes.. not long.." The blonde grins.

- Volturi Castle Gardens - Next Day -

"No no no Benjamin. Like this." I stomp my foot onto the ground causing a chunk of earth to be flung up. I then punch it forward causing it to hit the target with extreme force.

Benjamin who's on the other side of the video call steps back from his computer and attempts it. Stomping his foot down the chunk of earth is flung up, he punches it and it goes flying.

"Good shit!" I say with a smile as I watch the screen clapping my hands, Benjamin turns back with a smile.

"Anything more?? I've never even thought of these things! How did you come up with it?" Benjamin asks as he sits down on a rock.

"Well... I saw it on a TV show called Avatar the last air bender. You kind of remind me of the main character Aang." I say as I stand back up. "What element do you want to work on next Benny Boy?"

"Well.. I've been having the most trouble with fire.." he admits with a grimace.

"Understandably so, we light up like diesel once a flame touches us.  Have you tried.." I step back letting him see me in full view. Adjusting my stance to a punch boxers, I focus on the firey rage within me. Feeling the heat well up inside of me I punch the air. Large balls of flame burst from my fists, being flung at the stone wall across the courtyard. Hitting it with an explosion of heat that scorches the stone. Spinning around on one foot I kick the air, fire trailing my heel as I spin.

"Holy shit!!!" Benjamin bellows from my computer. I turn to look at him with a smirk.

"Also, don't be afraid to get creative. Inside metal is tiny microscopic rocks small imperfections within the metal, try to bend them. You can also bend blood by controlling the water or iron in someone's blood, effectively controlling them like a puppet master."

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