Chapter 12 - The redcoats are coming!

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- One Week Later -

Sitting at the Cullen's home in the living room laying against Jake, carving a piece of wood idly. I hear a car approach and smirk. They're back! How'd it go Eddy boy? Did you make her orgasm? Hopefully you blew her mind, shouldn't be that hard since she's a virgin.

I hear Edward groan in embarrassment as he gets out of the car, I snicker. Seeing them come into the house, Jake looks and sighs in relief. Bella hasn't been changed yet.

"Bella, I expect all the dirty details." I point at her with determination in my eyes. She blushes a bright red and nods. "Did Eddie wrap his tool?"

"Y-yeah.. he wore a condom.." I sigh in relief and nod to him.

"Take a pregnancy test to be sure okay? They're in Edwards room on his bed. Better to be safe than sorry. If you are Preggers, we need to get you blood asap." She nods in understanding and walks up the stairs with Edward.

Whispering low so she can't hear me. "When is she going to be changed?"

Edward stiffens and responds. "Tonight.." Jake stiffens beside me.

"SHH." I put my hand across his mouth before he can speak. He gives me a look of 'what the fuck'. "They're not going to be violating the treaty Jake. None of the Cullen's are going to change her." I smirk and his eyes widen in alarm, grabbing my hand he pulls it away.

"You can't! You would be feeding on her!" His eyes widen in panic.

"Dumbass, I'm not gonna bite her at all. Unlike y'all idiots, I had the Internet that talked nonstop of vampires and theories.. I'm the one that came up with this plan, since I'm also an animal lover I came up with the idea... In a few minutes Carlisle is gonna make me bite onto something and drain some venom from me. He's going to inject it straight into her veins. Thus causing her to change without a drop of blood being spilt." Jacob sighs and nods his head in understanding.


"I feel like a fuckin viper being milked." I say as I bite down onto the saran wrap coating a jar. Carlisle watches as venom drips down my teeth, collecting at the bottom. Bella stands watching in awe as I'm being milked.

Ed, translate... You see this shit? I look down to the jar with a raised brow towards Bella.

Edward chuckles and nods to me. "She says 'you see this shit?'" All For You baby gworl. I wink at her coyly with a smile. "She said 'all for you baby girl.'" Edward says with a disappointed sigh shaking his head, Bella chuckles softly.

After collecting a good amount of my venom, Carlisle pulls the jar away letting me close my mouth. I lick around my mouth and grimace. "It's like I got cotton mouth from smoking pot." Esme hands me a glass of water and I thank her with a smile.

Carlisle grabs a needle and sucks up all the venom, putting a drop on a slide. He looks at it under the microscope. Comparing it to his own venom he smiles. "She's venomous. Her venom is identical to ours." He turns to Bella with a smile.

"Already ate your last meal, and you're not pregnant.. you ready kid?" She looks to me and nods hesitantly. "Already got the cover story made up. You got an invitation to attend to a college across the pond. You won't be able to see Charlie for a few years, but by then your thirst will die down but you can still keep in contact for a while."

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