Chapter 11 - Spring has Sprung 🌺

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- Months Later - Spring -

Sprinting through the forest full speed I tackle a big buck to the ground and bite it's throat as we roll. Greedily drinking it's blood with a groan, closing my eyes as I drink Jasper runs up behind me and smiles at me as I finish, wiping my mouth clean with a cloth.

"Damn you're a good hunter darlin." I smile up at him as I hold my hand out, grabbing the bucks body with my gift and hovering it over to my sled I made. Holding all of the Cullen family's kills, two bears from Emmett and two mountain lions from Edward as well as plenty of deer.

"Damn! What a haul!" I smile as I look at the sled with glee.

Carlisle appears and looks at me with a smile, throwing one last deer onto the sled. Jasper quickly secures them with some bungy cord and nods for me that it's ready to go.

"Ready to head back?" Carlisle asks me with a raised brow and I nod to him.

Grabbing my sled, I hitch it around my waist with some cord before closing my eyes and concentrating... making the sled weightless with my gift, it floats off the ground and hovers and I bolt off in the direction of my home, Jasper chuckles as he chases me eagerly.

Bella and Alice decided to stay back and begin decorating for the wedding which is apparently coming up this week. I had no idea.. anywho, I'm bringing Alice some takeout in the form of two paralyzed deer on my sled.


Getting back to the house I slow down to a trot. Stopping by the Dwarven smial, I unhook my sled. Jasper runs to my side and helps me unload the carcasses, even going as far as helping me skin them and get all the meat off... That's when I figure out that he wants something.

"Why're you helping me with this?" I squint at him in suspicion.

"Alice.. wants you to come to the wedding.. she has some dress-" Jasper runs his fingers through his hair.

"No." I state with finality, looking away from him and getting back to work.

"But-" He looks at me with a sad look.

"No dresses. I'll be damned to hell if I ever wear a dress again." Seriously, fuck dresses. I want a tuxedo AT LEAST. Why would you ever wear a dress? It's hard to sit in them and you run the risk of flashing people if there's a strong breeze.

"I'm not sure Alice is willing to budge-" Jaspers phone vibrates in his pocket and he reaches down and grabs it. Looking at the message he chuckles softly, shaking his head. "You were gonna tear up the dress she gave you like a wild animal? The day of the wedding?"

"Damn straight." I cross my arms and squint at him.

"She says she agrees to all your demands.. One tuxedo with a bow tie coming right up she says. She just needs your measurements." I've always wanted a bowtie, ever since the 11th doctor on dr. Who.. my uhm.. my grandmother was gonna buy me a red bowtie and a fez before she passed away.. she never got the chance, her mind deteriorated so much in a short time.. He nods to me and I sigh and nod back.

"Fine.. I'll come stay at your house tonight. You can cuddle me and keep me cold, my big ole cute ice pack." I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes playfully.

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