Chapter 14 - Volterra

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- Volterra Italy - Castle -

Since the kings needed to take care of matters they missed during the trip
They left Jane and Alec to lead me, Jake and Jasper to our room in the kings wing. The both of them didn't want to leave me since I'm half human.. so we made a compromise, they can stay in the same room on different beds. Haha idiots. I'm gonna snuggle with my personal space heater and ice pack! The kings weren't entirely too pleased but I made them shut up with a brow raise. 

My bare feet pitter patter against the familiar feeling of cold stone.. Although I did make some rugs in my cave, I'm gonna have to make some shoes or slippers.

"Here you are Mia Regina." Jane opens a large door and beckons us inside.

"Thank you Jane." I say with a smile, which catches her off guard.

Walking in I stop mid step and look around the room, my jaw on the floor. "Jesus..." Jasper and Jake walk in straight to the bags and begin to unpack my stuff first.

"Dinner will be served to you and your.. mates in two hours Mia Regina." Jane says as she rests her hands in front of herself.

"What about Jasper?" I turn to look at Jane in concern.

"I.. can hunt outside the cas-" Jasper says with a hesitant voice, having not thought that far ahead.

"The kings would not approve of this.. If one link in the chain is weak it breaks." She eyes him up and down.

"Jazz.. Are you comfortable drinking human blood?" I turn to look at him.

"I.. the emotions are horrible when I drink.." He clenches his fists.

"Hm.." I stroke my chin in thought. "How long until you're hungry again?"

"A few days at least.. I ate before we got on the plane.." I nod my head.

"One small meal and a large meal will be good for now. I will talk with the kings to figure out a good diet plan for Jasper." She bows her head to me and takes her leave.

I walk over to the bed and sit down next to Jasper, taking his hand in my own. He looks up to me. "I'm sorry I'm making this so difficult Darlin.." He says with a frown.

"It's okay Jazz, we'll figure it out. There's more than one way to drink human blood." Stephanie Myer didn't think it through.. The Volturi could of owned their own blood donation organization, or they could have strictly hunted criminals or for those who are sensitive to the thoughts and emotions of their prey... bled them like livestock in a separate area.  I stare down at the carpet and zone out as I think. Stroking my chin with my free hand.

I know it's possible for me to bleed, I got bruises. Therefore blood rose to the surface because of damage. The problem, is it human blood? Or the blood from my kills in my veins? I could possibly get a hold of a blood drawing kit and help Jasper snack on me until a better solution comes to light.. "Amore?" Then again I would run the risk of weakness from blood loss. He is a big vampire with a big appetite, I'm only a tiny thing right now. "Mio piccolo luce?" Fuck why can't I grow faster so I can help- A hand touches my face and makes me yelp out in surprise.

"Oh, she's hypothesizing ways to feed Mr. Whitlock." Aro says as he holds my cheek in his hand.

"Wha?" I look around the room and see the three kings, a table set up with food on it in the corner. Jasper looks at me in concern.

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