Chapter 3 - Quest for Cleanliness 🧼

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"Voices in my head, keep on telling me to pray. Cause in spinning like a carousel, circling the drain. Hit the bottom of the bottle I don't want to feel the pain, but that is all I got for now. I don't want to talk about-" I sing loudly with a smile as I begin to assemble a washboard from what I remember.

Since I don't have any metal, I had to create a bunch of square-ish rods. Getting a good chunk of wood, I use my knife to help me fit the rods into the holes. It took a long time but I finally did it!

"VOICES IN MY HEAD, TELLIN ME IM CURSED, IM PARANOID. I DON'T WANT TO MAKE IT ANY WORSE! WE'RE. ALL. GONNA. DIE. FIRST THINGS FIRST, ILL TAKE THE WORLD WITH ME WHEN THEY, PUT ME. IN THE...." Humming along to the rest of the song I look down at the washboard with a smile... Then turns into a frown.

"HOW COULD I FORGET FUCKING SOAP?!" I growl out as I grip at my hair, falling to the floor with a groan.

"God fucking dammit.. I'll need special soap too... No chemicals that could hurt the environment.. since I'm a hobbit who bathes in the river." I look down and rub my chin in thought. "I'll have to put on some good clothes and go into town and ask around.." if I cant find anybody who makes it ill just steal the stuff I need to make it myself. Nodding to myself in agreement I jump up and quickly change clothes before zooming out the door.

- Town -

Arriving at the grocery store I walk inside and look around for someone. Spotting a person I put my game face on. Dumb kid mode activate. "Excuse me? Mister?"

The man turns to me and I see his thick mustache, his eyes widen in surprise but he looks around in confusion. "Hey there kiddo.. Where's your parents?" He crouches down onto my level and gives me his full attention. I see that he's wearing a police jacket.

"Oh mommy's shopping.. She asked me to go find out where I can get some organic soap?" I give a cute little head tilt.

"Organic soap ey?" He rubs his chin in thought and nods. "I know someone who hand makes bars of soap, she lives down in La Push."

"Really?!" I give him an enthusiastic smile, he smiles back and nods. La Push sounds familiar..

"Yup, her name is Sue Clearwater. Here I'll give you the address." He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a notepad, quickly writing it down. "Tell her Charlie sent ya." Handing me the slip of paper with a smile.

"Thank you sir!" I smile at him and run away slowly, once I'm out of his sight I book it to another isle.

La Push aye? Now to find someone who knows where the fuck that is. Looking around I spot a girl with brown hair looking at a bunch of boxes with a guy standing beside her. Nodding I walk over to her. "Excuse me? Do you know where La Push is?" I tilt my head as I look at her. I want soap dammit!

She startled and looks down at me, the guy looks at me with perplexion. "Oh hi.. Yeah.. Just follow the main road north, you'll hit the sign.." She brushes her hair behind her ear.

"Thank you miss!" I nod to her in thanks and look at the guy. Gold eyes.. pft, kids these days and there Twilight cosplaying. Shaking my head I turn and walk away, walking out of the store and straight into the woods.

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