Chapter 19 - The facts 🩸

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Laying in bed snoozing away in Dreamland.. minding my own business fighting dragons n shit.. when I'm awoken to.. "Mia Regina?" A voice pulls me out of sleep making me scowl. I turn to the voice with a frown.


"I was sent to inform you that the Cullen's will be arriving in Italy today." That's all the warning I get?! I glare at Demetri, he pales at me.

"WHY WASN'T I TOLD SOONER?! THEIR DIETARY NEEDS NEED TO BE MET!" I growl out in anger, feeling something broil under my skin. Shaking off the sensation as I get out of bed quickly, not caring that I'm in my jammies. Jasper and Jacob look at me in concern as I storm out of my room with a snarl on my face.

Zooming to the throne room I throw the doors open with my gift and walk in. The three kings look at me in concern as a Vampire kneels in the middle of the room. Felix standing behind him.

"Darling? What seems to be the matter?" Aro asks as he looks at me.

"Why wasn't I told the Cullen clan was coming?" I put my hands on my hips with a frown, glaring at Aro.  "They have specific dietary standards that they wish to keep. There's not enough wildlife in Italy to keep them sated. They could very well be an ecological disaster-"

The vampire on the floor rushes me, Felix tries to stop him but misses. As if times slows down I growl at him widening my stance.  My anger and rage fuel me.. something feels like its scratching at the doors of my mind, I shake it off with a frown. The moment he gets close I dodge his swipe with surprising speed and grab his throat before roaring out animalisticly. Using incredible strength I throw him down into the ground, shattering the stone beneath him.. as well as the vampires body. Felix appears by my side holding down the vampire looking at me in awe at the strength I just showed.. Only he has been able to do such damage to the castle.. I created a large crater in the stone.. bigger than the one I made with my axel kick.

I pant out before standing back up straight, dusting myself off. "Felix kill the fucker would you please?"

"Yes Mia Regina." He quickly beheads the stunned vampire, allowing me to continue talking. I take a deep breath and calm myself down, closing my eyes for a moment.. the scratching in my mind subsides allowing me to think.

"I have a new method of blood gathering for the Cullen's to consider." I rest my hands in front of me, feeling refreshed by releasing some rage.

"A-and what would that be?" Caius stutters as he looks at me with black eyes. Welp, he ain't hungry so he must be horny.. damn all three of them are.

"Capturing animals that they like to eat, alive. Keeping them in captivity and using blood collection methods mostly used on humans. Collecting their blood as frequently as is safe for the animal. Thus an unlimited blood supply and no ecological disasters that science can't explain... Plus since they don't sleep, they can easily care for the animals." Fuckers should have done this in the long run. I mean come on, Carlisle's a doctor for fuck sakes. He's also an ecological terrorist!

"You are a genius Amore!" Aro says with a grin.

"Demetri, please gather some healthy young deer alive for the Cullens. When they arrive use the proper tools and collect their blood." Caius says with a smirk.

"Yes my king." Demetri bows before zooming off to complete his task.

Just then a secretary walks in, bowing to the kings. Shaking like a leaf. "My kings, the Cullen's have arrived." Aro scowls at her for the interruption.

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