Car crash: edited + finished

484 6 16

Tyy to Capybara_box for the suggestion again :)

Angst obv

Dreamnotfound + KarlNap

/\ ~ Dream ~ /\

"Dream. You wanna go on a road trip with the others in an hour or so?"

I turned to the door of my bathroom. George stood in the hallway.

"Yeah Sure. What do I need?"

"Clothes, chargers. You know stuff like that."

"Ok Ill go get ready."

I exited my bathroom, walking past George, and entering my room. I grabbed a backpack and began shoving clothes, underwear, deodorant and other necessary items in it. I didn't know how long we were going for so I just guessed. I threw my bag over my shoulder, and went into the bathroom and grabbed some hygienic products that I'd need.

"Dream! Baby we're leaving now!"

George shouted from downstairs, I yelled back that I was on my way and ran downstairs, almost falling down the stairs.
This caused the others to laugh and snicker at me. I brushed it off, not caring since it was just for fun.

"You ok Dream?"

"Yeah fine. Cmon let's go!"

George nodded and locks our fingers together, making a reddish-pink tint creep up my face.

We all sat in the car, Karl and Sapnap at the front with me and George in the back. We had decided to have Sapnap drive first, then Karl and then me, since George couldn't drive and hadn't passed his test yet.

(Idk if George can drive so-)

We set off, with Karl in charge of the aux cord/ music.
I intertwined my fingers with George's and rested my head against his shoulder. George smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Stop making out back there!"

"We're not making out! I just kissed him on the cheek!"

"Close enough!"

George scoffed and laughed, both of us knowing that Karl and Sapnap had done way worse.

/\ ~ A couple of hours in ~ /\

Me and Karl had swapped seats now, with him and Sapnap in the back and me and George in the front.
We had recently set off from a gas station, and it was getting dark out.
George had advised I didn't drive during the night, as it got extremely dark and because of my bag eye sight, which was worst during the night.

"Dream.. are you sure you don't want to let Karl drive? Or Sapnap?"

"George- I'll be fine. I promise."

I placed my hand on his thigh, smiling at him softly.

"Ok.. just be careful and focus on the road please. Guys don't distract him."

"Alright fine whatever."

I scoffed at George's overly dramatic response, and pulled out of the parking spot Karl had put the car in, and set off for the hotel George had booked.

/\ ~ later - TW: Car crash here ~ /\

It began to grow darker, and the roads were ominously clear. The others were messing around and wanted the aux cord. George was asleep next in the seat next to me, so I had to try and grab the aux cord to pass it back. I had to turn my head down and grab it since I was struggling to find it.

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