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Requested by nickxch4rl1e


I am giving no context- mainly cause I have no clue what I'm writing yet

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I am giving no context- mainly cause I have no clue what I'm writing yet.

Age regression: a temporary or long-term reversal of behavior to earlier states of development

Dream does online college once or twice a week and George goes to an actual college.

!!!Disclaimer!!! Pretty sure I have said this before, but I will not write anything about Dream or George abusing children, or them abusing each other. Especially not during age regression chapters. I do not condone abuse, to anyone!!!

//- Third Person -\\

imagine being in college and age regressing. That's what Dream goes through. But he has online college. His boyfriend George also goes to college, and leaves Dream on his own from time to time.

Dream would often be lonely, having no contact all day, apart from his and George's cat Patches. And, often Dream would age regress on his own, and himself and George would try their best to have every thing Dream would need in his reach. Just so that he didn't hurt himself or make a mess in any way.

But for now, Dream waited patiently for George to return back to their shared apartment. He was sitting on the couch, chewing on the end of his hoodie sleeve unconsiously. He was looking at the crayons that lay on the coffee table in front of him. He was fighting the slightly child-ish urge to grab the colours and scribble them all over the wall. But he knew that George would get mad at him.

He tried to fight the urge, eventually deciding to go and some paper so he could colour. But he couldn't find any. He sighed, looking back at the crayons and decided to just draw on the walls, hoping that he'd been able to wash it off before George got back. He smiled broadly and grabbed the crayons, taking a green crayon and drawing some grass.

Dream continued to draw, loosing track of time (and not knowing what the time was anyway) and he was soon finished with his drawing, he smiled and put all of the crayons away. He was so proud of his drawing! It was a picture of him and George standing outside holding hands. He was focused on his drawing, he didn't hear George walking into the apartment.

"Dream, I'm hom-"

At that point, Dream knew that he had been caught. He turned around and looked down at the floor, fiddling with his fingers.

"Dream! Why'd you colour on the walls!?"


"Dream look at me! You know your not meant to colour on the walls! For gods sake, now I have to clean it up!"

Dream had forgot about that. He had forgotten that George would have to clean up his drawing.

"I- 'm sorry.."

"Just- I'm going to go shower. Go sit in your room and think about what you've done!"

Dream just nodded, not wanting to fight back against George. He walked up the stairs and heard George curse under his breath, only making him feel worse. He didn't mean to make George angry.. he was just trying to have fun. Dream walked into his room, and waited patiently for the sound of the shower. It didn't take long, but when he did eventually hear the shower, he walked downstairs and tried to figure out how he could clean up whilst George was in the shower.

//- George ~ When he was out of the shower -\\

I huffed, turning the shower off and wrapping a towel around my waist. I didn't want to get mad at Dream, but I always tell him to not draw on the walls. I just hope he wasn't too upset. I dried off my body and put on my clothes, deciding to leave my hair wet since it would dry fairly quickly because of the length. I walked out of the bathroom and towards Dreams room, hoping that he wasn't crying or anything.

"Dream.. sweetie are you ok?"

No answer.

I sighed, understanding that he needed some time alone. Which was fine. I walked downstairs, going to go and clean up the drawing on the wall. But instead, when I got downstairs, I saw Dream scrubbing away at the wall with a sponge.

"Dream? What are you doing?"

"Helping clean.."

I heard Dream mumble, as he turned to face me. I saw that he had hot tears streaming down his face and his lips were quivering. I rushed over to him and took the sponge away from his hand, Placing it down onto a tea towel.

"Oh Dream.. I said I'd clean it.."

"No.. did bad thing, wanna help..!"

"Oh sweetheart.. you go sit upstairs with your stuffy and Patches whilst I clean this up ok?"

I smiled at Dream and wiped away some of his tears, showing him that it was ok for him to go upstairs. He nodded slowly, grabbing Patches and walking upstairs solemnly. As he walked up the stairs, I picked up the sponge and began to wipe away the crayon, being able to hear small sniffles coming from Dream.
It didn't take long for me to wipe away all of the crayon, and then to dry the wall because I didn't want the apartment to smell weird.

When I was done, I walked upstairs and into Dreams room, where I found Dream sitting on the bed with Patches in his lap and his boba stuffy/ plushie in his arms. When he saw me walking towards him, he smiled broadly and moved to the side slightly so I had room to sit down. 

I walked over to his bed and climbed in, immediately wrapping my arms around Dreams body. He moved his body so he was leaning against me, and I nuzzled my head into his hair. I pressed my lips against his head and rubbed his arms gently. 

"Clean up good..?"

"I did clean up good baby, and please don't draw on the walls again." 

"I won't.. sorry.." 

"Hey it's okay! Let's just go to sleep." 

Dream hummed, nuzzling his head back into my chest. That night we lay there and cuddled until we both fell asleep, and Dream fell asleep whilst he was still age regressing which was fine. There were no cons to falling asleep when your age regressing. 

"Love you sweetheart."

//- End -\\

1092 words

lol i can't tell if i like this or hate this- also two chapters in one day?? Blessing. 

i hope you enjoyed! 



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