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Requested by nickxch4rl1e


Age regression: when a person's thoughts, emotions, and behavior revert to an earlier stage of development

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Age regression: when a person's thoughts, emotions, and behavior revert to an earlier stage of development

Caregiver: someone who looks after a little while they're in little space

Little: person who experiences the age regression, voluntary or involuntary

Caregiver= George
Little= Dream/ Clay

Disclaimer: I will never, and I mean never, do any chapters which Involve purposefully hurting children. I will not do anything where Dream or George abuse their child no matter the age.

And, age regression is specifically SFW (safe for work) so please refrain from making inappropriate comments on anything that Dream says in this eg, 'daddy' because George is Dreams caregiver.

Lol I'm going to try and keep this in between 600-700 words but no promises

//- Third Person -\\

Dream has been age regressing for a couple of years now, and he very thankfully has the support of his boyfriend George. He had little hobbies he enjoyed doing when he age regressed, one of which was dance. He had no idea why but he enjoyed the idea of dance, and did it as a child (which might indicate why he wanted to do it when he age regresses), so when he spoke to George about it; George instantly signed him up.
George had to explain the dance instructor what Dream did and the instructor was fine with it. Besides when Dream age regressed he certainly seemed less stronger than normal.

Dream had been going to dance for a while, maybe six months, and he couldn't be happier. And for the past month, he had been practicing a recital that George could come and see. Because of this, he was basically bouncing off of his seat in excitement. He was so excited for George to see how hard he had worked this past month, maybe George would get him a new stuffy if he did a good job!

"Ok bub, are you ready for your recital?"

"Mhm! I got everything!"

"Ok, now before we go in. I'm going to tell you where I sit ok? I'm sitting in the front, closest to the stage. You'll be able to see me as soon as you go on stage."

"Ok daddy! Gonna make you proud!"

"You always make me proud sweetheart.. now let's go."

Dream nodded, bouncing his leg up and down in excitement as he watched George get out of the drivers side of the car and walk towards The passenger side (which is where Dream sat).
After Dreams seatbelt had been undone, the two made their way inside and George let Dream run off to get ready. George knew Dream didn't really have a big role in the recital, so if anything were to go wrong he could easily make up an excuse for the two to leave.

//- George ~ half way through the recital -\\

I smiled, waving at Dream who had just moved on to the stage. He had basically just started his main part of the recital, which was a small and short lived solo. It wasn't anything special but all the kids had to have a significant ish role in the recital so they didn't feel left out or useless? I'm not entirely sure why but I'm going along with it.
I loved seeing the look of pure excitement and happiness on Dreams face as he leapt around the stage, clearly concentrating on his role. He was concentrating because he didn't want to let me down, or so I assumed.

As I said, the solo was really short so Dreams part was basically done already. As he did one final turn, I saw a little girl (who I think was called Myah) in the way of Dream. Dream saw this and stopped spinning, seeming extremely angry as he walked over and began to lightly shove the girl. The girl wasn't too young, but not old enough to properly understand what was going on. I think she was around 9-10 years old.

I rushed onto the stage, grabbing Dream and pulling him away from the thankfully un-injured girl. I looked over at the coach and pulled Dream away from the girl, who was now standing with her parents. I pulled Dream towards the coach and explained that Dream had an appointment that he couldn't miss. The coach thankfully understood and walked towards Myah as me and Dream walked out.

When we reached the car, I strapped him into his seatbelt and got into my own seat, beginning to drive off without a single word spoken. I kept on glancing over at Dream as I drove, who was pouting and picking at his finger nails as we edged closer and closer to our house.

When we got home, I unbuckled both of our seatbelts and dragged Dream into the house carefully. I sat him on the couch as I stayed stood up. I began to pace around, speaking in a angry parents tone of voice.

"Dream, why would you do something like that?! She wasn't doing anything wrong!"

"She was in the way daddy!"

"That's no reason to shove someone Dream! That's it your going into a timeout. Go sit on the bottom stair."

I watched as Dream pouted, and then turned his pout into an angry expression and got up swiftly. He hit his foot against the ground and stuck his tongue out at me, shuffling over to the bottom of the stairs and sitting on it, placing his head in between his knees.

I set a timer on my phone for 15 minutes, sitting on the couch so that I could keep an eye on him. Basically the entire time involved him having his head in between his knees, and then turning his head over to face the wall. I knew he was angry I had out him in a timeout, but he needed to learn. He needed to understand that he can't just go around shoving people because their in the way, especially not when their ten years old.
Finally the timer went off and I got up, walking towards Dream.

"Honey, your time out is done now. Do you want to come and talk?"

Dream shook his head, moving his head from in between his knees and getting up. I was about to ask him what he was doing and try to get a look at his face but he turned around and solemnly walked upstairs before I got the chance.
I sighed, frowning as I followed him upstairs.
I saw him go into his room before the door shut behind him, and I followed close behind.

"Honey.. what's wrong? Your time outs done. I wasn't doing it because I was being mean, I was doing it because you misbehaved.."

"Made daddy mad.."

"No.. sweetheart no you didn't.. come here."

I walked towards Dream and sat on his bed. I opened up my arms for him to crawl into as I lay back onto his headboard. I ran my hands up and down his back as I kissed his hair softly.

"I promise you didn't make me mad.. why don't you apologise to Myah and coach when we next go to dance and we forget about it ok? I know you didn't really mean to. Just make sure you don't do it again."

"Apologise.. forget it.."

"Yeah.. Now go to sleep my sweetie, I'll see you in the morning."

//- End -\\

1299 Words

Lol this was a lot more than 600-700. Then again the intro was kinda long so- idk you work it out.
Not proof read (when actually is my work proof read?)

Sorry there's been a lot of late updates, it's hard trying to manage two books at the same time. I'm sure I'll get used to it!

I hope you enjoyed!



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