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My own idea.

Ft. Compliments I want to here abt myself but I'm single and alone ʕ'• •̥'ʔ

//- Third Person -\\

If you knew Dream, you'd know he didn't really get a lot of compliments but when he does get compliments he gets really embarrassed and shuts down the compliment. Well.. unless your George- when the compliment is from George he still gets embarrassed but just thanks him for the compliment.

It doesn't matter what the compliment was, whether it was;
~ His hair
~ His eyes
~ His success
~ His freckles
~ His body

Basically anything- unless you were George, Dream wouldn't take the compliment. And no, he wouldn't even take a compliment from his mum. If it was a good day, or a decent one at best, Dream might take a compliment from his Grammy.

So two people- out of all of his family and friends. Is that bad? Yep. Does he care? Not really to be honest.

You wanna see some examples?

Alright. Here you go;

//- Dream -\\

I stood in the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of orange juice. I drank my orange juice, rubbing my eyes with my free hand. Soon enough, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my bare waist.

"Huh? George?"

"Yes my love. So pretty.."

"What.. no i'm not.."

I could hear George scoff and I felt his lips press against my temple softly. I blushed, looking down at the floor as George ran his hands up and down my hips, right around where a large-ish scar (that kinda looked like I'd been attacked by a batarang).

"Love.. you're so pretty. Please let me show you.."

I blushed even more, turning my head over to George. I looked in his mocha brown eyes, seeing no emotion other than love, care and admiration.

"Honey, please let me show you just how pretty you are.."

"I- fine.."

George smiled, kissing my temple once again before letting go of my waist and instead holding my hand. I allowed him to drag me to the couch, where I sat down in his lap and waited for him to do something.

"You need to realise just how pretty you are honey.. let me help.."

I nodded slowly, turning a shade of bright red. I knew that cause I could feel the blood and heat rush up to my cheeks as George ran his hands from my shoulders down to the waistband of my sweat pants.

I fought back the urge to hide my face either: in George's chest or shoulder, or in my hands as George gently kissed my bare skin. He kissed from my lips to my jawline, neck, shoulder blades, chest. He then moved me off of his lap and lay me on my back on the couch. I looked up at him confused as I watched his run his hands through my hair.


"I love your hair.. it's so soft, so silky. The colour is so pretty, and I love the way it changes colour depending on the lighting.."

All I could do was sit in shock as my head was pulled forward so that George could press his lips against my hair. 

He then moved his hands to my cheeks, cupping the side of my face as he rubbed under my eyes with one of his thumbs, and with the other he rubbed my bottom lip.

"I love your facial features.. I love the bags under your eyes, I love your freckles all over your cheeks and your nose. Your jawline is so perfect.. I love your eyes, they're definitely my favourite shade of green.. and the way your cheeks turn a bright pink when you smile. Actually- don't even get me started on your smile, it's so pretty it makes my heart ache."

I fought the urge to push George off of me and run and hide, just because of how embarrassed I was. I barely even let him give me a compliment on my outfits, let alone my entire body.

I knew he was about to compliment my body, as he moved his hands to in between my waist and hips.

"I love your body. I love your shoulders, and how broad they are. I love your chest.. and I find it funny when people comment on the Dritties. Which I must say.. God damn babe.. Anyway- I love your stomach. I love how it's slightly pudgy, especially after you've just eaten. I love your hips, and your waist.
I love the scars on your body.. I love how they tell different stories."


I didn't mean to mutter that out, but I did. It caused George to look into my eyes, as he had been doing before he started to look at the scars on my lower and upper body.
He kissed my lips softly, and when he let go off the kiss he gently grazed his lips against mine.

"Of course.. they're so pretty. They make you.. you."

I nodded, smiling softly as I watched George run his finger over every single scar that littered my body. He first ran his finger across a scar on my shoulder blade, then he moved onto a small scar in between my chest (like where my spine would be), and then to the scar on my hip.

"Can you tell me about these please love? I know about the one on your hip but I want to know about the other ones.."

"Yeah.. the one on my scar is from when my sister shoved me and I cut my shoulder blade on a really sharp rock. I think that was the summer before you came to the US.."

I spoke softly, watching as George listened intently. He pressed a light kiss against the scar and moved his finger to the car that lay in between my chest. Basically in between the "Dritties" as my fans say.
He looked up at me, as if he was asking me about those as well.

"That one is from when I had to have surgery on my lungs. And I lost the wheeze laugh because of it so.."

George hummed, leaning down as he grabbed either side of my chest and kissed my scar. To be honest, he didn't really need to grab onto my chest but I think he just wanted to touch the drits-

"I know about this scar.. and I just want to let you know that I am so so proud of you. You've come so far and I'm sorry I couldn't have helped."

"It's ok.. thanks.."

George smiled, lifting me back onto his lap and gently holding my back so that I didn't fall. To be honest, all of the lovey dovey stuff had really made me tired. And I was tired anyway.

"Now do you realise how pretty you are? How handsome you look?"

"Mhm.. thank you bub.."

"Of course my love.. I'd hate for my darling to not know how pretty he is.. I'm just glad you know."

I nodded and nuzzled my head into George's shoulder as he lent back into the couch. He kissed my forehead softly and rested his head against mine.

"I love you so much darling.. and you are so pretty.."

//- End -\\

1247 Words

Nah not the fact that this was supposed to be a cute chapter and I just kept on bringing up the drits- it's fine you're all used to it by now.

I hope you all enjoyed!



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