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Requested by TenaniJohnson / Celestial135

TW/ CW: small self-belittling

//- Third Person -\\

For as long as Dream could remember, he had been obsessed with items that babies would commonly use.
And since he was about ten-eleven years old; the Floridian had began collecting items that for the category. The main two things he stored in a room being teddy bears, and baby pacifiers. 

He never used the pacifiers, as he didn't really enjoy the feeling of the rubbery plastic; remembering it from his childhood. He just enjoyed having them.

The collection he had varied in colours and designs but he didn't care. He enjoyed sorting through them and coding/ sorting through them every other day; each time the collection  being sorted in to a different category such as size, colour and other factors.

The Floridian knew that it was slightly childish; but didn't care. The strange collection he had made him happy and that was all he cared about.

The Floridians boyfriend had known about the collection for a long few months now, but like the owner of the collection did not care.
The man only wanting his boyfriend to be happy and if that was what made him happy then so be it.

Come to think of it, the brunette actually enjoyed listening to Dream rant on about certain favourites in his collection, or watching him sort through them all for the tenth time in the week. The brunette took comfort in the boys voice.

Recently George had been getting the idea to buy Dream some more pacifiers. Just as a gift. He had seen that Dream was looking online for them and George mentally took note of different websites he had been looking at.

//- George -\\

Dreams gift had arrived, but instead of me being able to answer the door; obviously Dream did.

"Bub! You've got a package."

I smiled and took it from his hands, walking upstairs to open it. I looked at the different coloured, sized and shaped pacifiers and began shoving them into a small gift bag. I ran back downstairs, meeting Dream who was stood by the door frame which connected the kitchen and living room.

He smiled at me, whilst turning his head to the side in confusion.

"Here. I got you this.."

I shyly shoved the bag into his hands, blushing.
He smiled softly and muttered something I couldn't hear. As he opened the bag and began looking at the contents, his mouth formed a bright smile that made my heart melt.

"George! Thank you!"

I nodded, waiting for him to realise they were the ones he was going to buy. Soon enough he realised and gasped. The squeal that left his mouth was all I needed to start laughing; completely smitten by the sight that stood in front of me.

"They're the ones I was gonna get! Georgeee!"

He tapped his feet against the floor and grabbed my arm, pulling me into a tight hug. I smiled and brought my hands into his hair, leaving my arms to rest on his shoulders.
He repeatedly muttered small thank you's into my ear.

"Should we go put them into your collection? You can resort them all?"

Dream nodded excitedly and grabbed my wrist gently, running upstairs. We came to the room where his collection lay (with other smaller collections) and ran in. He tipped the bag upside down, causing the contents to fall out and on to the floor. I laughed as he began finding spots for the different pacifiers.

My heart melted as I watched the Floridian placed the pacifiers around the shelves, moving ones around to make room. When he was finished I was tackled onto the floor by a massive hug. I laughed as my face was peppered with kisses and muttered words of gratitude.

"Thank you George.. I know I'm kinda weird for this but-"

I interrupted him by kissing his soft, red lips. I caressed his cheek with my thumb when I broke the kiss.

"Your not weird. I think it's adorable. Now let's get off of the floor and maybe on the couch?"

Dream hummed, getting up before helping me. We walked downstairs and sat on the couch, scrolling through Netflix.

I kissed the top of his head and rubbed his stomach gently. He hummed and muttered one last thank you before slowly falling asleep.

"Love you baby.."

//- End -\\

+ words

Hi- hope you enjoyed this was actually not as awkward to write as I thought it'd be.
(Meaning I had no idea how I'd make this into a full plot line that made sense in my head-)

ALSO: I know I said I was gonna write a story abt teenagers but I don't wanna anymore. Instead I want to write a dnf college AU if you all are up for it??

Hope you enjoyed!



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