Petre - George

259 7 26

Same as the first Petre chapter but it's George who regresses; he regresses into a cat headspace :)

Kind of the same plot but different ig?

Pet regression: pet regression is a safe state of mind which is freeing and without responsibilities. it is like age regression in that way but the difference is instead of going into a child like mindset it's a more of a pet mindset (dog, cat, etc.) while age regression you act more child like, pet regression you act more pet like.

//- Dream -\\

I walked around the house, trying to find George. I had assumed he'd still be here but now I'm not so sure. Then again our house is pretty big so he could be anywhere really.

"George? Where are you?"

I walked around, finally ending at my room. I sighed; knowing that if George wasn't in here he'd be somewhere outside.
I knocked on the door, even though it was my room I wanted to let him know that I was there and that I was coming in.

"George? Bubs are you in here?"

I looked at my bed, seeing George- who lay on top of a blanket I frequently used; head on a pillow that lay in the middle of the single bed. I smiled softly, walking over to George and petting his head slowly and gently.

I know George pet regresses; which is fine. I remember him telling me and I started researching how to help and support him immediately. 

"Mhm.. is that you Drem?"

"Yes it is bubs. Are you regressing?"

I received a hun in return. I lay down next to him, allowing him to pull me close. I kissed his cheek softly as I run my hands through his hair. I moved my hands down his head to his neck, rubbing and massaging it gently; knowing he was relaxed when I did it.

I could hear a purr like noise escape his lips, smiling in response and kissing his forehead.

I could feel his wrap around me tighten. He kissed my neck softly, just soft with no meaning other then just to comfort me.

"Are you ok bubs.. you regressing?"

"Mhm.. kind of.. I love you.."

I smiled softly, my cheeks going a tinted pink. I could feel him smile against my neck. He moved up my neck; kissing my jaw then my cheek, forehead, nose and finally lips.

"Bubba, you regress If you want to."


I smiled, rubbing his head softly and repeatedly kissing his forehead. I rubbed his back as well, letting him become more and more comfortable and more into his cat headspace.

I knew he was nearing the headspace as he began cuddling himself into my chest, finding comfort in the warm feeling. I kissed the top of his head letting him fall asleep.

//- End -\\

480+ words

Sorry this was short- I didn't really have an idea for George regressing so-



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