Georges birthday

377 7 4

It's a bit late but it's fine! It doesn't matter OK!???

Just fluff ig- idk

//- Dreams POV-\\

My very obvious alarm (sapnap) woke me up by shaking me vigorously. I groaned and pushed his arms off of my shoulders before he woke up George as well. I gently pushed Georges arms from around my waist and quietly got out of bed.

I yawned, stretching my arms up above my head and looking at Sapnap. He scoffed and dragged me out of the room. I huffed as Sapnap showed me the decorations he had bought. It was an array of blue colour banners, balloons and other random things. I walked over to the pile of decor and started grabbing the balloons and blowing them up. I tied them around the stairway and the lights and anywhere else I could find to tie them. Sapnap put everything else up as I walked into the kitchen and started to make George's breakfast.

I made him;
-Homemade hash browns

Basically I just made him an English breakfast kinda- i don't know though. I plated it all together and poured him a glass of orange juice with some ice cubes in it. I put the plate and glass on the tray and took it upstairs, knowing it'd been a couple of hours since me and sap woke up, so George would be up by now anyway.

I knocked on the door gently, letting George know I was there before waiting to see if he'd open the door himself. He did end up opening the door, looking at me and then the tray. He smiled softly, opening the door fully and letting me in.
I smiled back at him, walking in and placing the tray on the bedside table. I walked over to him kissing his soft lips gently.
I broke the kiss after a second, placing my forehead onto his.

"Happy birthday George.. I love you."

"Thank you so much Dream. I love you too. Thank you for breakfast as well."

"No problem George.. I hope you like it I've never made English breakfast before-"

I scratched the back of my neck as I watched George sit down on the bed and begin cutting and eating the food I'd spent an hour making.

He smiled broadly when he had finished and kissed my cheek.

"Love this is amazing. Thank you."

I hid my flustered cheek and mouth, muttering a:

''No problem.."

He smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me up off of the bed.

I stopped him from dragging me out of the room and told him there was a surprise downstairs. I covered his eyes with my hand and led him downstairs, where sapnap was waiting for us. I uncovered George's eyes and smiled at sapnap.

I could see George's eyes widen in shock and smile broadly.

He opened his presents, streamed for about an hour, got calls from family and other friends (online and irl) before cuddling with me in our room. We were watching one of his favourite Harry Potter films, the sixth one. We had been watching them in order and we were almost done.

"Thank you love. For today."

I hummed and looked up at him, letting the film continue playing in the background.

"For my breakfast. My gifts. Just for you being here."

I smiled at him, and kissed his jaw as I couldn't reach his cheek. I cuddled back into his chest and allowed sleep to slowly engulf me.
I muttered one last think before I fell asleep.

"Happy birthday George.. I love you.."

//- End -\\

600 words.

Three specials all after the other?? Slay.

K now it's the new AU j was talking about. Your welcome to leave suggestions but it'll be a bit before I will write them as I do not know how long the AU will be.


Thanks for reading byeee!!!

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