George's vows

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Idea from KikiDuzArt


Song: Wanna be yours by Arctic Monkeys

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Song: Wanna be yours by Arctic Monkeys

Long one again!!!

//- Third Person -\\

For all of George's life, he has struggled to show emotion. Through words. His family wasn't one to.. talk about their emotions. So George grew up on a household that showed emotion through actions.
So whenever George brought up a feeling (like when he was depressed) he said it so casually. Thinking that the emotion was like a joke. This obviously worried his new friend Sapnap and his boyfriend (of 5 years at that time) Dream. He felt bad for Dream, especially since Dream always told George how much he loved him. Dream always told him that he didn't need to force himself say it verbally; but could show it in different ways.

Dream on the other hand, grew up where it was encouraged to talk about his emotions. His parents always told him that actions spoke better than words, but words were sometimes more powerful.
He always told his friends and family he loved them, and he told his boyfriend more than he did everyone else. He also understood how George couldn't tell people about his love for them, which he was completely content with that. Which was why he didn't force George to say anything. He told George he could show his love in different ways, but he always had a feeling that George felt guilty.

But now they were getting married. And the engagement was something that George was pleasantly surprised at the amount of effort put in.

(Play the song whenever- but you'll need to restart it later on.)

//- Dream ~ the day of the engagement -\\

Me and George were walking along a large field, each holding a small bag. George's bag contained the drinks and food for our picnic, and mine contained a small ish blanket for us to sit on, a small speaker and a black ring box.

I was planning on me and George having a small late afternoon/ early evening picnic, afterwards we would dance to a shared favourite song of theirs, Wanna be yours. I had spent weeks upon weeks of planning and preparing for this day, just wanting to make this day perfect. Because that's what George deserved.

We eventually arrived at a massive hill, and trecked up it before reaching the top. At the top, was a medium sized birch tree. This tree was very special to me, because it was the one place growing up.. where i could be myself. I could be myself here, with no one to judge me. Just me. And it helped me get away from my family, but we don't need to talk about why.

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