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My own idea

Guys- don't come for me but it's angst so someone's gonna die.

I think y'all know who it is 😭

TW/CW: Pet death, denying of a death

I'm gonna run- don't kill me pls 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️💨💨💨💨

//- Third person -\\

If George was being completely honest, he didn't want to go back into his house.

You see, him and his boyfriend Dreams cat Pacthes, had recently passed away. Literally like thirty minutes ago.

The brunette knew how much his cats death would upset the blonde, and he didn't want to have to tell his beloved that his cat had died.

He knew that he had to go back in, and sighed as he undid his seatbelt and got out of the car. He took a deep breath as he walked into the house, his eyes meeting the back of a tall Floridian blondes head, whose leg was bouncing up and down. George could also see that he was also picking and biting at his nails.

George shut the door, letting Dream know that he was back. He watched as the younger of the two turned to face him, a hopeful smile expressed clearly on his face. It made his heart ache. The expression was short lived as when he turned around- looking for Patches, who was no where to be found.

"George.. where's patches..?"

"Dream.. love I'm so sorry.."

"No- George.. that isn't funny."

"Dream I'm not joking.. I'm so sorry.."

Dreams breath became shaky as he sat back down, Turning around and looking down at the floor.
His leg began to bounce up and down again and I could hear small stifled cries slowly escape his lips.

"Baby.. I'm so sorry.. you did everything you could have done.. the vet said it was just bad luck."

Dream tried to speak, but instead pent up sobs were heard. I sighed and rubbed his back comfortingly, before pulling him into a hug.
The older of the two gently kissed the younger's head and rubbed his back, all whilst whispering sweet, caring words of encouragement and support into his ear.

The two sat like this for a while until Dream fell asleep, when George moved him up to bed so nethers neck or back would be sore in the morning.

//- Dream ~ In the morning -\\

I woke up with a killing headache and in mine and George's shared bed. I groaned as I sat up, seeing George still asleep on the other side of the bed.

I glanced over at the spot that patches would always sit in and sighed. I miss her. I miss her already and I'll never stop missing her.

I remember when I first got her, as if it was just yesterday..

//- Dream ~ 31st January: 4 years ago -\\

"Clay I know you're upset about Stormy but- you have to get over him."

(Talking abt one of Dreams previous cats- I think there's smt about them on his TikTok)

"Mum it's not that simple! I've had him for ages!"

"Clay.. you can get other cats.. but it's not healthy to just- act like he's still here. I'm not saying that your grieving process isn't valid or anything but. I'm worried for your health."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, getting up from my mums couch and leaving.

"Clay honey, I'm sorry."

"It's fine.. see you soon."

I knew my mother was just trying to help, but it was more difficult for me. I was so close with Stormy, he was one of my best friends in a sense. We had had him since I was about fifteen, and I was now twenty. Stormy was amazing, and would always comfort me whenever I was upset, and now I had no one else to comfort me.

I walked out and began to drive away, but as I was on my way home I saw a small pet shop, with adorable kittens in the window. I awed, and knew I shouldn't go but I did anyway. Like- it's adorable kittens cmon.
I parked on the side of the road and got out, walking towards the door. I walked in and smiled at the cashier as she came towards me.

"Hello. Do you need help with everything?"

"Oh- no sorry I just wanted to look at the kittens?"

"Oh yeah of course! Come with me."

I thanked the cashier as she walked me towards the kittens. I awed as they looked even cuter up close. The woman told me that I could pick out three and sit with them if I wanted to and I said yes, not thinking about the possibility of me wanting another cat.

I picked out two white and grey coloured cats and one differently coloured brown one who was sat in the corner.

"Good choices, but you will have to see the two white and grey separately from the brown cat. Just because the brown cat is extremely shy."

"Ok thanks."

The two white and grey cats were extremely energetic and adorable, but I was more conscious since the two kind of looked like Stormy. Then the smaller brown cat was put next to me. She was extremely shy but when I stuck my hand out for her she didn't hiss or even get her claws out at me. I smiled as she cautiously walked towards me and rubbed her head against my hand.

"Hi... aw your so cute.."

I rubbed in between the cats ears, where her fur was softest. As I looked at her multi coloured brown fur I smiled, not entirely realising that I wanted to adopt her right now. I knew I was moving away from Stormy fast but my mum was right.

"Hi, are you doing ok?"

"Yeah, could I actually adopt this cat..?"

"Oh- uh. Yeah you'd just need to fill out some paper work and stuff. Obviously."

<I filled out all of the necessary paper work for adopting the cat, and I had finally been approved. The cashier who had been helping me this entire time had asked me what I wanted to name the cat, since she didn't have a name. I decided to name her 'Patches' because of the look on her fur.

When Patches lived with me I treated her with such love and care (just as I had done with Stormy). And now she's dead.. she's gone. And I can't do anything about it.. anything but pretend that she's still here..>

//- George ~ Back in the present -\\

I woke up to an empty bed, knowing that Dream was probably downstairs. I felt bad for him. I felt really bad for him. He loved Patches so much. I groaned as I got up from bed and walked downstairs. I saw Dream in the kitchen, and..

food in Patches's bowl..?

"Dream? Why is there food in Patches's bowl?"

"Because she needs to eat. Obviously. Anyway I got to go edit."


"Dream- you know Patches-"

"Is outside somewhere. I know."

I was shocked. Dream knows Patches is gone.. so why is he pretending?

//- End -\\

Ok- I think I'm safe now 😭

1190+ words

Sorry I got lazy-

I hope you enjoyed!



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