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Requested by the god of requests in this book Capybara_box

Dyslexia - Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed.


High School AU

I don't mean to offend anyone in this-

//- Dream -\\


I looked over down the corridor and saw one of my boyfriends, sapnap, running towards me. I smiled, seeing him slow down as he reached me.

"Hi baby! How are you?"

He hugged me, holding my hand tightly. His smile was as bright as anything.
My smile faltered as he asked me that question.
Thing is; I had just been diagnosed with dyslexia over the week off. Along with my ADHD it was a lot to process and I didn't want to tell anyone yet, until I figured out how to deal with it.

"Baby? Are you ok?"

"Oh- yeah I'm fine.. sorry."

"It's ok. What you got first period?"

"Oh uh- I'm not sure let me check."

I rummaged through my bag, trying to find my timetable for the day. I eventually found it and looked at it. The words on the paper were extremely small and muddled up. My eyes began to water and I looked up at Sapnap who was looking at me in concern.

"Dream? You have English first."

"Oh- yeah- thanks.. I'm sorry I must have forgotten to take my medication or something."

He nodded, still looking at me in concern. He hugged me again, kissing my cheek.

"George said he's running a little late, but he'll be there in time for English with you."

I nodded, sighing as I walked round English; knowing where the classroom was anyway. I walked in the class, smiling at the teacher since she had smiled at me first. I sat down in my seat, waiting for George to come in and sit down.

George eventually showed up, sitting next to me and smiling at me. I smiled back at him, before my face fell. My face fell when the teacher Mrs. Baker had said that we were reading 'A Christmas Carol.' We were told to get our books out of our bags and I swallowed thickly. I had forgotten my book at home, for no specific reason but pure forgetfulness.

"Clay! Where is your book?"

"I- I don't have it Mrs."

"Well. Take George's book and you can start reading!"

I gulped, taking George's book off of me and trying to find the right page.

"Baby it's page 103. Here let me find it for you."

George took the book off of me and found the correct page for me. He handed me the book back, and smiled at me encouragingly.

I looked at the words, all of them muddling together. My breath hitched as I rubbed my eyes vigorously. Every one was looking at me, and the teacher was looking at me with an angry look on her face.

"The- Phantom s- slowly.. gr- gravely.."

I squinted my eyes, trying to see the small, black font. The fact that the teacher was now standing in front of me wasn't helping.

"Clay outside. George you read."

I sighed, passing the book back to George and walking outside. I stood outside the classroom, waiting for the teacher.

"Clay. Are you trying to do this on purpose?"

"What no! Mrs I- I recently got diagnosed with dyslexia."

"That's not real. Grow up. You can leave now. You can come back in when you are ready to stop acting stupid."

I sighed, not bothering to argue with her. I walked to the stairwell and pulled out my phone.
I rang my mom, knowing she'd be at home.


"Oh honey, what's wrong?"

"Can you like- pick me up or something.. my English teachers upset with me and saying my dyslexia diagnosis was fake."

"Oh honey I'm so sorry. What did George and Sapnap say?"

"I haven't told them. I don't want them to judge me.."

My mom went to speak, but instead I heard George's voice.

"Why would we judge you Dream?"

I looked up, gasping audibly. I saw George and Sapnap standing in front of me.

I heard my mom faintly say that she would call me later. Then the call ended. I sat there, thinking of what to say as they came over to the bottom step and sat with me.

"We wouldn't judge you for that baby.. it's ok."


"We'll tell someone about what Mrs baker said. She can't do that."

I smiled, nodding slowly as I got pulled into a hug by both George and Sapnap. They rubbed my arms and back slowly .

God I was so lucky to have them..

At least they didn't judge me.

//- End -\\

810+ words

Again- speedrunning :)

I hope you enjoyed!



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