𝓖𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓮: 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 11

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"Sanctis apostolis Omnibus sanctis"

Noble Bell College

"GROUP 1! ASSEMBLE!!!" Sebek exclaimed as Group A and Group Star had gone their separate paths into Fleur City. Thank god Y/n wasn't in group 1 to deal with Sebek's constant loudness.

"You don't have to shout at the top of your lungs. We can hear you just fine," Jamil stated as both he and Riddle narrowed their eyes in annoyance.

"We must not keep Malleus waiting!" Sebek shot back.

"So Group 1 is myself, Sebek, Rosehearts, and Viper. I hope we'll have an enjoyable time," Malleus smiled graciously, hiding the fact that he was a bit disappointed that his beloved wasn't with him.

"So do I, Malleus," Riddle nodded with a smile. He too also hid his disappointment of Y/n not being in their group. But he trusted Isfrid.

"I was worried when Sebek started arguing and insisting that he join Malleus's group along with Y/n..." Jamil admitted. "But honestly, I'm glad he has a proper guard," he said in relief, also disappointed that Y/n wasn't in their group.

"Heh, of course," Sebek smirked. "Malleus's safety shall always be my first priority!"

"For my part, I'm interested in broadening my horizons by learning more of the city's history," Malleus says, genuinely excited for the trip. "I did some reading prior to our departure, but that's no substitute for experiencing a place firsthand. What of the rest of you?" he asked.

"I certainly have no objections!" Sebek beamed.

"I think that's a wonderful approach. I was also hoping to learn more about the city," Riddle says.

"Agreed," Jamil nodded. "I'd like to see the sights and get the real Fleur City experience,"

"Ah, so you're all interested in learning more history. I applaud your mindset," Trein says, quite impressed.

"Geez Louise," Grim narrowed his eyes. "I thought this was Group 1, not Group BORING,"

"You could learn a thing or two from them," Y/n shot back at Grim, huffing slightly in annoyance.

"I agree," Isfrid nodded as he glared at Grim, agreeing with Y/n.

"You're interested as well, your majesties? Hmm..." Trein hummed in thought, thinking about where to go. "There are some spots I could recommend. They impressed me greatly when I saw them years back," he revealed as Riddle widen his eyes in surprise as Malleus looked intrigued. "They're not for tourists, though, so you won't find them on your maps Would you like me to show you around?"

"You don't mind? I'd be happy to have you, Professor," Riddle smiled, his.  mood brightening from the presence of his beloved Rose.

"Then I believe we have a place to start. Shall we get going?" Malleus asked, his gaze on Y/n the whole time with a smile. He stepped closer to Y/n as gently grabbed ahold of her gloved hand. "Ready?"

Y/n looked at Malleus's gloved hand before adverting her gaze up to meet his eyes. With a few seconds of silence, she nodded. "...Alright...let's get going,"

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