You Asshat - America

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"(Y/N)!" You heard a voice yell. You put down your sketchbook and scrambled to the living room, the source of the outcry. Your socks sliding on the hardwood floor, you slipped into the room to see your friend, Alfred, draped across the couch.

"(Y/N)!" he yelled again, "I'm bored!" He flipped from his back onto his stomach and put his chin in his hands, facing you. You glared at the American, "Are you kidding me!? I was in the middle of drawing something!"

He frowned, "What were you drawing?" You looked down and blushed. "I didn't have any inspiration." you muttered.

Alfred jumped to his feet, "Draw me!" You looked at him, shocked. You regained your composure and folded your arms across your chest. "You wanna pose for me?" He smiled widely, "Yep! It shall cure my boredom and make up for me interrupting your drawing!" You shrugged, went back into the other room, grabbed your supplies, and set Alfred back down on the couch.

He smiled a big, hero smile while you got to work.

Five hours later, after much yelling and complaining and moving around, you had finally finished. Alfred jumped up and down, squealing, "Let me see! Let me see!"'

You showed him the drawing. It was him wearing a big grin, drawn in the anime style you were so fond of, with an American flag in the background. Alfred squinted at the drawing, before gasping and pointing at the flag.

"There aren't 50 stars and 13 stripes on the flag!" He shrieked. "You have disappointed many Americans today."


i was drawing alfie and I got really tired of drawing the flag so this was legitimately me

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