Not Bad, Princesa - Pirate!Spain [Part Two]

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The captain smirked at you before he and the rest of his crew burst into snickers. "You?" he choked out between laughs, "Duel with me? I'm sorry, princesa, but it's just not fair."

He straightened himself out and crossed his arms with a smirk, "A weak little girl who's been raised in a palace her whole life against the most feared pirate of the seas?" You scowled at him and whipped out the knife you had used to cut your bonds with. Faster than Carriedo could blink, you had thrown the knife and nailed his hat the post behind him.

His jade eyes widened as he looked back at you. You snarled at him, "Watch it, Carriedo. The next one goes through your neck." Antonio smirked at you as he nodded to a member of his crew. The auburn haired teenager (who had an odd curl on his head) nodded and tossed Carriedo another sword.

With no warning, Carriedo charged at you, pointing his blade straight at your chest. You parried his attack and reposted, missing his skin by an inch. The battle continued for a while, Carriedo smirking at you from between the clashing blades.

"Not bad, princesa," he said, "Where did you learn to fight like this?" You didn't answer for a moment when, without warning, you managed to knock his blade out of his hands. You grabbed it in your own hand, pointing one blade at his throat with the edge of the other at the back of his neck.

It was your turn to have a smug smirk on your face, "I'm the best swordsman in all of (C/N). Did no one ever tell you that?" You dropped the blades from Antonio's neck and handed one back to him.

The brunet took the sword and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "You won fair and square, princesa. What do you wish to do?"

You thought for a moment; did you really want to go back home? You walked to the mast and tugged out your knife, placing Captain Carriedo's feathery hat on your head. You grinned at him, "Make me a part of your crew. (C/N) will be fine without me, my brother is the next in line for the throne anyway."

Captain Antonio Fernandez Carriedo flashed you a blinding smile, "Welcome aboard the Hermesa Rosa, princesa." 


possibly a part three if you ask nicely

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