She's Mine - Pirate!Spain [Part Three]

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A man was tied to the mast, one of the worst criminals in all of Europe. Known throughout the continent as a murderer and a rapist.

Captain Carriedo's crew stood around him, laughing and jeering at him, saying that he had a fate worse than death coming to him.

You see, since (Y/N) had joined the crew ten years ago, the pirate gang had began to take pleasure in taking wanted criminals in and give them what was coming.

The man at the mast paled, he had heard of Carriedo's crew before. And he knew just how fearsome the captain could be. So, as the captain walked on deck, the criminal may or may not have peed his pants a little.

Captain Carriedo walked towards the man, his leather boots making soft noises against the wood. The green-eyed man studied the criminal before tutting, "We may have to bring out the big guns for this one, boys."

The crew snickered as the criminal blanched. He could only imagine what kind of torture Carriedo had cooked up, so when a young woman the same age of the captain who was heavily pregnant stepped in front of him, he couldn't help but laugh.

The criminal snorted, "I've heard of you, you're Carriedo's little whore that he keeps around for when he gets bored!"

Antonio sneered at the man, "Eso es mi mujer que está hablando." (Y/N) patted the captain's cheek, "It's okay, amor."

She turned back to the criminal with a wicked smirk on her face, and he couldn't help but shudder. "I'm going to sit this one out. Make him pay for everything."

Carriedo smirked at her as he kissed her on the cheek. He pulled out twin blades, both marked with the words 'Antonio and (Y/N).'

The captain put the end of one of the blades against the criminal's cheek, "You see, that was my wife you just insulted. Now you're going to pay for your words."

All the while (Y/N) stood in the background with a giant grin on her face, rubbing her rotund stomach with pride.


so yeah you and Antonio got married did the dirty and now you've got a kid on the way


you're not getting a baby shower just fyi

Eso es mi mujer que está hablando - That's my wife you're talking about - Spanish

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