Nothing But a Soldier - Nyo!Lithuania

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The battlefield was drenched with blood, the blood of innocents and of soldiers. (Y/F/N), the country of (C/N), and Daina Laurinaitus, the country of Lithuania, were the only two left on the battlefield.

The fought each other, blades a blur as they slashed and parried and ducked and jumped. The clang of metal on metal resounded throughout the field. The two most fearsome fighters in Europe were squaring off against each other, the two who used to be best friends.

But that was hundreds of years ago, loyalties and friendships became twisted and now the two girls were bitter enemies. Evenly matched in skill, it seemed as though the battle would go on forever.

Somehow, Daina managed to get the upper hand and shoved (Y/N) to the ground. She kicked the (nationality)'s sword out of reach and pointed her own deadly blade at her friend's throat.

The girl stopped to catch her breath as (Y/N) stared at her in wonder. Daina moved the blade closer and closer to the girl's throat until she could feel the cool metal pressing against her.

Suddenly, Daina swiftly moved the blade to her friend's stomach and plunged it through. (Y/N) shuddered and began coughing as the blood traveled up her throat.

The (Nationality) girl suddenly began laughing. A small, watery laugh which soon turned to a cough. A slight grin spread its ways across her face, "Y-You were always, n-nothing but a s-soldier."

The country of (C/N) was disbanded and all its land surrendered to Lithuania.

yeah I'm in kinda a dark place rn so don't be surprised if a lot of my drabbles are kind of dark

i had literally so many ways that i could've written this and i really like this one

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