Cold as Ice - RusAme

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Ivan had been having a pretty crappy day.

First off, his younger sister had woken him up by standing next to his bed, muttering, "Marry me, big brother." This had obvious caused him to scream, causing his older sister to burst in. Ivan, being shirtless at the time (because who doesn't sleep shirtless?) had quickly covered himself up.

This had caused his older sister to burst into tears at the fact that he didn't trust her, and she ran out of the room. Ivan then proceeded to kick his younger sister out of the room so he could get dressed for school.

Secondly, when Ivan had gotten to school, he saw that someone had vandalized his locker and had scrawled the words, "GO BACK TO MOTHER RUSSIA, COMMIE."

Thirdly, Ivan had gotten back his pre-calc test that he had thought he did really well on, only to see that he had failed.

So yeah he was having a pretty shitty day.

After lunch, he was walking through the hallway, shooting everyone a cold and harsh glare. Suddenly, he felt someone swing an arm around his shoulder and say, "Hey dude! Wassup?"

It was Alfred, the school's three-sport star athlete. What he ever wanted to do with Ivan, no one ever knew, but Ivan's heart melted every time he saw him.

"Привет Fredka. I am well. How are you?" he responded. Alfred shook his head fondly and let out a loud obnoxious laugh, "Dude! I'm doing awesome! Quick question though, bro. You know my name's Alfred, why'd you call me 'Fredka?'"

Ivan blushed and mumbled under his breath, "I combine two things I like: Alfred and vodka."

Alfred stared at him, a blush creeping across his cheeks before smiling broadly, "Haha! I like you too, bro! Wanna go get some coffee after school today?"

Ivan smiled a childish smile, "да. I would like that."

Alfred slapped his shoulder and ran off, calling over his shoulder, "See you after school!"

Ivan couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.


I don't really care that this isn't an x reader I am RusAme trashing freaking fight me m8

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