I'm High Off Your Love - Iceland

613 22 1

You groaned, twisting around in your bed when you heard a knock on your door. Reaching over, you grabbed your phone off your nightstand. Squinting against the bright screen, you saw that the time read 2:58 AM.

Groaning again, you dragged yourself from underneath your warm comforter and down the stairs to the front door.

Opening it, there stood Emil, fascinated with something above your door. Frowning, you looked up, but saw nothing. You turned back to your friend with a scowl.

"Emil," you hissed, "Why are you knocking on my door at three in the morning!?"

He looked dazed, before blinking rapidly and looking at you with a confused grin. Emil suddenly burst into a loud, rambunctious song about him being 'high off your love.'

You sighed and face palmed. You ushered him inside your house before grumbling, "I think you're just high."



all the nordic 5 written about in a row



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