Muscle - America

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You looked up from your book, "Alfie?"

Putting down the book, you climbed out of your shared bed and walked slowly to the bathroom.

You stood at the doorway, "You okay, sweetie?" Alfred stayed facing forward, his back to you. You walked forward and laced your arms around his waist, face pressing into his bare back.

"What's wrong, Alfie? You know you can tell me."

You felt him sigh and saw him point at the scale. You hugged him tighter; you knew he had always had a problem about his weight, ever since his older brother Arthur had picked on him as a kid.

He sighed again, "I always gain weight. No matter what I do, no matter how hard I work out, I always weigh more than I did last time."

You forced him to turn around and a served him. Alfred was very well built: six-pack, well-toned arm muscles, the whole nine yards.

You smiled at him and pecked him on the lips. "You work out like a madman. I can understand why. But all the weight your gaining," you poked his chest, "That's all muscle. It weighs more than fat, you know."

Alfred smiled and kissed you, short and sweet. He pulled you into a hug, "I am so glad I married you."

You giggled, "I'm glad you did, too."


after my canada drabble, I figured I owed you guys something cute so here's two cute ones in one day

also, it is a canon fact that all the weight america gains is muscle because he works out so much

btw you're welcome for the photo

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