Ma Petite Fleur - 2p!France (Part 2)

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You silently walked alongside Francois, trying your hardest to keep up with his fast pace.

After you had told him that he was your dad, he had refused to look at you, only mumbling something about 'having no choice but to take you home.'

All of a sudden, he stopped short. You didn't notice however, and walked right into his back. He gave you a sharp glare and said in a gruff voice, "We're here."

The house in a front of you was huge, it wasn't even quite a house, it was more like a mansion.

Francois quickly ushered you inside and you were met with a bowl of cake batter hitting the wall beside your head.

The whole house went silent, broken only by a high-pitched squeal.

The source of the squeal was a man with pinkish-blondish hair. He wore a pink sweater vest with a purple button-up shirt underneath. To complete the look, he had a neon blue bow tie.

Before you could get a chance to observe the other two males, Francois had scooped you up in his arms and ran upstairs with you.

He lead you into a guest room and plopped you down on the bed. "This is your room." he stated. With that, he spun on his heel and walked out the door.

~Extended Ending~

A few hours after you had fallen asleep, Francois came back to check on you. When he saw the peaceful look on your face, he couldn't help the smile that reached his lips.

He walked over and sat on the side of the bed. He kissed your forehead and whispered:

"Bonne nuit, ma petite fleur."


i know, you guys were expecting something funny



bonne nuit, ma petite fleur - good night, my little flower

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