Pasta - Italy

608 19 11

Italy sat in the corner of the safe room, his head buried in arms and legs pressed tight against his chest. He felt tears threatening to spill, but refused to let them show.

You looked over, noticing him sitting in the corner of the room. You got to your feet and walked over to where he sat. You put yourself in front of him and sat criss cross, gazing at him earnestly.

Feeling your eyes, he looked up and at you. His typically closed eyes were open, and had no emotion.

Of course he's showing no emotion, you thought, He's gone through this way too many times.

You leaned closer to him and gave him a hug. You in his ear, "Veneziano, after we get out of here. And we will get out of here. We'll make a big pot of pasta. Just the two of us."

He smiled slightly, "Thanks, (C/N)." You grinned broadly at him and got up and walked to your bed.

As soon as you were gone, his smile disappeared. He whispered something so quietly that it was almost inaudible:

"That's what you said last time."


HeTaOnI aNyOnE?

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