Christmas Ornaments - Prussia

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You sat on your favorite chair in the house, absorbed in the book you were reading. It was the last book in your favorite series, and you were just getting to the big fight scene. When your boyfriend decided it would be a brilliant idea to sit on your lap, right on top of your book.

"(Y/N)!" Gilbert whined, "Pay attention to me! I'm boooooored!"

You shoved him off the chair, trying to get back into the story. Gilbert once again got off the floor and sat on your lap.

Sighing, you gave him a glare. "Gilly," you said sweetly, "Get off my book or I will kill you and use your eyeballs as Christmas ornaments."

Needless to say, he got off you pretty quickly.


time skip to christmas and you notice that there are eyeball ornaments on your tree

creds to ODOfandoms for texting me that and scaring the crap out of me

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