Stars - Ireland

382 7 1

You and Clodagh sat in a small cafe in your town, chatting over a cup of coffee. When you both had finished your first cup, you stood up to get yourself a refill and offered to get her one as well. She agreed.

While you were getting the coffee, Clodagh whipped out her laptop and opened Photoshop. By the time you got back, Clodagh had created a beautiful picture of the night sky.

There was only one strange thing about it.

You pointed to a cluster of stars in the top left corner, "Clodagh? What are those stars green?"

She gave you a funny look. Her Irish brogue very apparent, she replied, "Irish pride!"

You burst into a fit of giggles while Clodagh smiled at you, she loved making you smile.

She made her voice sound like a narrator on a documentary and said, "The year is 2520. The Irish have colonized."

She raised her voice and glared pointedly at her brother Arthur that was sitting in the corner and sipping on a cup of tea.

"Suck it you British bastards!"


so this oneshot is a really personal one because

a) Ireland is not yet a canon character
b) I'm Irish
c) this is an actual event that occurred in my religion class

name pronounced clo-da


Hetalia x Reader DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now