Costumes - Denmark

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You marched into the world meeting, a scowl marring your (s/t) face. Why?

You had lost a freaking bet.

And since you had lost this wonderful bet, Elizabeta got to choose your outfit for the next world meeting. And she had chosen a freaking Viking costume.

Yeah that didn't make who your crush was obvious.

All heads turned to look at you, several nosebleeds occurring at the same time. Your costume consisted of a metal breastplate lined with fur and a leather skirt that barely covered your butt.

Your hair was put into two braids and a helmet sat upon your head.

You took your seat, resisting the urge to bury your face in your hands. A certain Dane tapped you on your shoulder, a cocky grin plastered on his face.

"Hey (y/n)," Mathias whispered, "Nice costume." You sent him a soul-piercing glare, taking pleasure when you saw him shudder.

"Watch it. This costume also came with an axe."


my last denmark drabble was really popular so I decided to do another

guys don't feel like you're being a bother by requesting drabbles. i'm running out of ideas so you guys would be really helpful

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