I Raised Them Well - Child!Nordics

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"Äiti?" A small voice called.

You turned around, taking your attention away from the dishes you were watching. Standing in the doorway of the kitchen were five small countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and little Iceland.

You put down the dishes and crouched down so you were eye level with them, "Couldn't sleep?"

Each one of them shook their heads and your heart melted. You smiled, "Alright. Head up to bed. I'll be up in a few minutes. I'll sing you a lullaby, alright?"

The five of them nodded eagerly and sprinted up the stairs. You chuckled and slowly followed them behind.

\Time Skip/

The country of (C/N) had long since been dissolved, and (Y/F/N) was long since dead. But the Nordics still missed their mother, the kindest woman on the planet.

It was a world meeting, the usual yelling was involved, but this time between Iceland and England.

"You are so incompetent!" England yelled, "Nothing but a child!" It took the rest of the Nordics to hold Iceland back from possibly starting a war with England.

But oh no, England wasn't done yet. "All of you Nordics! You're savages! I bet the one who raised all of you was a lowly bitch!"

Iceland stopped struggling and the others stopped holding him back. They all looked up, a sort of fire in their eyes.

Denmark had his axe at the ready. Sweden held a long sword. Finland turned off the safety on his gun. Norway had a blue flame dancing on his finger tips. Iceland had a long pole with a blade on the end.

Sweden stalked forward and stuck the end of the blade underneath England's chin, "What did you say 'bout our mamma?"

England started running.

A small breeze blew through the meeting room, but the Nordics were too busy kicking England's butt to notice. All the other countries paid it no mind, but could've sworn they heard a female voice on it whisper:

"I raised them well."


that was a lot of fun to write

Äiti - mom - Finnish

mamma - mom - Swedish

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